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The Unites States Enters WWI Pgs. 320 – 327

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1 The Unites States Enters WWI Pgs. 320 – 327
Chapter 9.1 The Unites States Enters WWI Pgs. 320 – 327

2 World War I Begins Militarism & Alliances
Alliances have been created since the 1860s Everyone is trying to get bigger friends Bigger friends = militarism You need a big military to be scary Germany forces Britain to take sides They like the underdog 2 sides emerge Triple Alliance vs. the Triple Entente World War I Begins

3 Cont. Imperialism & Nationalism Patriotism vs. Nationalism
I’m better than you, and am willing to fight to prove it Problems in the Balkans They’ve been imperialized & don’t like it Struggled for independence from Austria-Hungary Serbia v. Austria Russia sided w/ Serbia Cont.

4 Cont. A Terrorist Attack Brings War
Archduke Ferdinand killed by Serbian terrorist The Alliances are triggered Serbia Austria Russia Germany France Cont.

5 Cont. Germany’s Plan Fails The plan was to hook through Belgium
This pulls Britain into the war Russia attacks The war grinds to a halt Central Powers Allies Germany Britain Austria-Hungary France Ottoman Empire Russia Bulgaria Italy Cont.

6 America Declares War Americans Take Sides
What might have influenced the opinions of the American people? Preparedness vs. Peacefulness Government Officials Back Britain British propaganda appealed to Americans Cut the cable across the Atlantic Business Supports Britain Banks loaned money, but mostly to the Allies America Declares War

7 Cont. Moving Towards War German Submarines Go into Action
Britain had been blockading Germany Germany relied on its U-Boats to do the same Why would we be okay w/ Britain's actions but not Germany’s? The Germans sink the Lusitania 1200 people (128 Americans) died Germany issued the Sussex Pledge Cont.

8 Cont. The United States Declares War
The Zimmerman Note Was this really believable? Did it matter? April 2nd, 1917 the US enters WWI Movie Clip Why did the Zimmermann Note bring us into the war when we let so many other things go? Cont.

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