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Types of Fossils Trace Fossils – markings left by animals (footprints, trail, burrow). Casts – Minerals fill a space left by a decaying organism. Petrified.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Fossils Trace Fossils – markings left by animals (footprints, trail, burrow). Casts – Minerals fill a space left by a decaying organism. Petrified."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Fossils Trace Fossils – markings left by animals (footprints, trail, burrow). Casts – Minerals fill a space left by a decaying organism. Petrified Fossils – Minerals penetrate, replace hard parts of organism, producing a copy.

2 Types of Fossils Imprints – Thin object that leaves an imprint when sediment hardens. Molds – Organism is buried then decays, leaving a gap. Amber-Preserved / Frozen – An organism is trapped in ice or sap that hardens.

3 Rock Types Describe Environments
Slow-moving floodplain – Lake or Lagoon Shale rock is present.

4 Rock Types Describe Environments
Shallow, warm marine environments Lots of Calcium Carbonate (like seashells) Limestone is formed.

5 Rock Types Describe Environments
Sandstone – Can Describe ALL possible Environments. Terrestrial: Rivers (sandbars, mouth) Glacial outwash Deserts Lakes Marine (Ocean-based): Beach Tidal flats River/ocean deltas

6 Minerals Also Describe Environments
Large amounts of Calcium & Magnesium present create Dolomite Rocks Typical in salty lagoons.

7 Things Rocks Can Tell Us:
What lived in that environment. What the environment looked like. How the environment has changed over time. What things are more recent/ancient.


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