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Presentation to Portfolio Committee

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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee

2 OVERVIEW Executive Summary Purpose and scope of the report Overview of the Organisation’s 4th Quarter Performance 4th Quarter Achievements Progress against 4th Quarter targets Appropriation Statement

3 Executive Summary This is the report on the organisation’s progress with regards to the achievement of the 4th Quarter on the organisation’s 2016/2017 Annual Performance Plan (APP) as at the end of March 2017. The report has been compiled by the Executive members of the CPSI based on the analysis of the progress from the work streams. 4th quarter report has been verified by the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit and endorsed by the Audit and Risk Committee.

4 Purpose and scope of the report
The monitoring and reporting of the organisation's performance against its Annual Performance Plan (APP) is a requirement as per: Section 40(d) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), and National Treasury's Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans (August 2010).  Accordingly the report has been submitted to: The Minister and Deputy Minister; The Director General of the DPSA for noting; The National Treasury; and The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The Audit and Risk Committee

5 Overview of the Organisation’s 4th Quarter Performance
No of Targets 4th Quarter Targets Achieved 4th Quarter Targets Not Achieved 16 During the 4th Quarter period the organisation had 16 Targets and all 16 (100%) of the targets were achieved as at end of March 2017.

6 4th Quarter Achievements
3 Case studies related to service delivery innovations were finalised and approved, namely; Revenue Information Management System Diepsloot Community Alarms Project Foresight for Development in Southern Africa Two Innovative solutions replicated selected from the 2015 Innovation Awards Finalists: Far East Rand, Leratong, Tembisa and Chris Hani Baragwanath hospitals have implemented the “Saving Blood Saving Lives” Programme. High Volume Cataract Project initiated for replication at Bheki Mlangeni Hospital. This project was implemented to reduce the current backlog of cataract operations at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital (patients will now be operated on at Bheki Mlangeni Hospital)

7 4th Quarter Achievements
Bertha Gxowa Hospital Innovation Hub: The CPSI in collaboration with Bertha Gxowa Hospital, Groote Schuur Hospital, UCT’s Bertha Centre and Netcare, has created an Innovation Hub at the hospital. The aim is to address the most persistent service delivery challenges through innovation. Some of the initiatives already initiated by the Hub include systems and initiatives such as: Further optimisation of the Patient flow System: More efficiencies identified and achieved in the discharge process including the creation of a dedicated discharge lounge in each ward. These initiatives are ensuring beds become available within two hours of a patient being discharges vis-à-vis six hours in the past. Vol 7 Issue 2 of “Ideas that Work”: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal was published and disseminated.

8 Progress against 4th Quarter targets
Target no Responsible unit Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 4th Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 1 SM Quarterly performance reports submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury Submit the 3rd Quarter report of 2016/17 to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 31 January 2017 3rd Quarter report of 2016/17 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 31 January 2017 None Achieved 2 Submit the organisation's Performance Plan and Annual Report for tabling in Parliament and submission to DPSA, DPME, the Auditor General and the National Treasury Submit the approved Annual Performance Plan for 2017/18 to MPSA for tabling in Parliament The approved Annual Performance Plan for 2017/18 submitted to MPSA for tabling in Parliament and was tabled on 10 March 2017 3 CRM Identify, develop and implement at least two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies Two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies implemented Bereavement Policy and Performance Management Development Policy and Procedure were implemented 4 OCFO Quarterly financial reports submitted to the MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the 3rd Quarter report of 2016/17 to National Treasury and the MPSA by 31 January 2017 3rd Quarter report of 2016/17 submitted to National Treasury and the MPSA by 31 January 2017 5 Submit the organisation's Estimates of National Expenditure to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the final input of the ENE to DPSA and National Treasury Final input of the ENE submitted to DPSA and National Treasury

9 Progress against 4th Quarter targets
Target no Responsible unit Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 4th Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 6 OCFO Submit the organsation’s Financial Statements to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury on 31 May 2016 Submit the Third Quarter Interim Financial Statements to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury by 31 January 2017 Third Quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to Auditor General, DPSA and the National Treasury by 31 January 2017 None Achieved 7 Submit the Organisational Procurement Plan to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the Organisational Procurement Plan to the DPSA and the National Treasury by 31 March 2017 Organisational Procurement Plan submitted to the DPSA and the National Treasury 8 Identify, develop and implement at least two Financial or Supply chain management policies or procedures Two Financial or Supply chain management policies, procedures, plans or strategies implemented Asset Management Policy and Unauthorized, Irregular and Fruitless Expenditure Policy were implemented Unauthorized, Irregular and Fruitless Expenditure Policy was implemented ahead of schedule in the 3rd Quarter 9 R&D At least 5 case studies related to service delivery innovations developed for dissemination 3 Case studies related to service delivery innovations finalised and approved 3 Case studies related to service delivery innovations were finalised and approved, namely; 1) Revenue Information Management System 2) Diepsloot Community Alarms Pilot 3) Foresight for Development in Southern Africa 10 SSI At least one new pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges Continuation of the pilot initiation of the innovative service delivery solution started in the 3rd Quarter Continued with the Bertha Gxowa Hospital Innovation Hub

10 Progress against 4th Quarter targets
Target no Responsible unit Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 4th Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 11 SSI Continuation of the pilot initiated in 2015/16 to address service delivery challenges Initiation of the pilot Pilot implementation in progress. New measurement equipment installed in January 2017 and analysis of billing has commenced None Achieved 12 Upgrading of equipment of MMIC and updating content as determined by assessment of 2015/16 Equipment of MMIC upgraded and content updated 13 Two CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects facilitated for replication Project initiation facilitated 2 Replication projects initiated. Saving Blood Saving Lives-Far East, Tembisa and Leratong Hospitals. 2. High Volume Cataract Project initiated at Bheki Mlangeni Hospital 14 EE Publish Vol 7 Issue 1 and 2 of the “Ideas that Work” : The South African Public Sector innovation Journal published with at least 5 case studies and copies disseminate copies to the public sector, academia and stakeholders Vol 7 Issue 2 of “Ideas that Work”: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal Published and disseminated

11 Progress against 4th Quarter targets
Target no Responsible unit Target for 2016/17 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 4th Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 4th Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 15 EE Upload 1200 content items on innovation, public administration and finance onto the UNPAN Portal 300 SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events uploaded on the UNPAN Portal 304 SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events uploaded on the UNPAN Portal 4 more SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events uploaded on the UNPAN Portal None Achieved 16 Conduct two SADC country visits Undertake one visit to one SADC country to create awareness on UNPAN Participated in the Strategic Foresight Workshop in Malawi on November 2016 SADC country visit to create awareness on UNPAN done ahead of schedule in the 3rd Quarter


13 Appropriation statement
Programme 2016/17 2015/16 Adjusted Appropriation R'000 Virement Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % 1. Administration 17 671 608 18 279 17 909 370 98.0% 14 012 13 344 2. Public Sector Innovation 14 423 -608 13 815 13 498 317 97.7% 14 991 14 711 TOTAL 32 094 - 31 407 687 97.9% 29 003 28 055 Departmental receipts 3 2 Aid assistance 7 839 2 400 Actual Revenue per Statement of Financial Performance 39 936 31 405 Add: 3 134 1 941 Actual Expenditure per Statement of Financial Performance 34 541 29 996

14 Appropriation statement (continued)
Per Economic Classification 2016/17 2015/16 Adjusted Appropriation R'000 Shifting of Funds R'000 Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % Current payments 32 025 -2 268 29 757 29 127 630 97.9% 28 222 27 300 Compensation of employees 16 792 -912 15 880 15 593 287 98.2% 14 450 14 169 Goods and services 15 233 -1 356 13 877 13 534 343 97.5% 13 772 13 131 Transfers and subsidies - 1 100.0% 24 Departmental agencies and accounts 0.0% Payments for capital assets 69 2 267 2 336 2 279 57 97.6% 757 755 Buildings and other fixed structures 806 Machinery and equipment 1 265 1 334 1 277 95.7% 508 506 Software and other intangible assets 196 249 TOTAL 32 094 31 407 687 29 003 28 055

15 Appropriation statement (continued)
Description 2016/17 2015/16 Adjusted Appropriation R'000 Shifting of Funds R'000 Virement R'000 Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % Strategic Management 3 703 20 - 3 723 3 698 25 99.3% 4 348 4 335 Corporate Resource Management 7 664 1 418 608 9 690 9 583 107 98.9% 6 571 5 949 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 6 304 -1 438 4 866 4 628 238 95.1% 3 093 3 060 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 17 671 18 279 17 909 370 98.0% 14 012 13 344 Research and Development 3 030 -317 2 713 2 493 220 91.9% 2 861 2 644 Solution Support and Incubation 3 928 121 -608 3 441 3 420 21 99.4% 3 842 3 809 Enabling Environment 7 465 196 7 661 7 585 76 99.0% 8 288 8 258 PROGRAMME 2: PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION 14 423 13 815 13 498 317 97.7% 14 991 14 711 Total 32 094 31 407 687 97.9% 29 003 28 055

16 Appropriation statement (continued)
Programme 1: Administration During the 2016/17 financial year, the CPSI had one vacant post; Deputy Director: Financial Management and Administration on salary 11, which resulted in underspending of R in the year under review. The process to fill the post was at an advanced stage at the end of the 2016/17 financial year, and filled in the 2017/18 financial year. An amount of R was unspent at year end, due to uniforms which were ordered for security and cleaning personnel but not delivered by 31 March These were only delivered and paid for in April 2017. Programme 2: Public Sector Innovation The budgeted payment to The Innovation Hub could not be processed, because the process of identifying and developing a possible solution for the Department of Home Affairs’ posted challenge was not concluded. In addition, the banking details of one supplier were not verified on the National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database by 31 March 2017, which resulted in the payment being made in April These mainly resulted in an underspending in Programme 2: Public Service Innovation.


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