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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHER"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome to the Year Group Expectations Behaviour
What will our children be learning? Home learning Learning PE Kit Assessment What should your child have every day? How you can help

3 Welcome to our Year Group
The Year Team are: Phase Leader - Mrs Standring Class teachers Ms Langston Miss Te Wiata Mrs Yoosuf (Deputy Head) Mr Gallagher, Miss Lynch, Madame Larbi Teaching Assistants Mrs Pat Visawadia

4 PPA Team Physical Education: Mr Gallagher Music: Miss Lynch French: Madame Larbi

5 Expectations We have high expectations of our children and we aim to prepare them so they can acquire a wide range of experiences and skills. This year, among other things, we will be working hard at raising expectations. As a staff, we believe that if we have high expectations of uniform, behaviour and general presentation that this will be reflected in the quality of work that children produce. Therefore all your children will have already had a uniform inspection and may have been asked to change certain aspects of their uniform if it does not comply with the school uniform policy. We will also be working extremely hard on handwriting this term. All children will be doing handwriting three times a week. It is expected that everyone presents their best work at every opportunity and if not they may be asked to redo the piece of work in their own time. In the classroom we always try to encourage independent learning through the use of peer marking and self assessment. Children are encouraged to select their own learning equipment during lessons i.e word banks, 100 squares etc. Children will receive quality marking at different stages of their work and will be given time to respond to feedback. They will be given next steps in their learning which they will be expected to address during the follow up lessons.

6 SATs Year 6 is a very important year in primary schools. All year 6 students will be sitting the SATs, 8th – 12th May. It is important that we all work together to help the children to achieve the best they can. There will be practise papers each half term. This will help us to address any gaps and provide children with any extra help. Booklets to come home to support learning and help prepare for SATs. Children to be actively engaged with their learning. National expectations are extremely high. We need to do everything to ensure the children achieve their true potential.

7 Behaviour We want every child to feel safe and secure at West Acton.
The school has 6 simple rules called the Golden Rules. They are: We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen We are honest We work hard We look after property The school focuses on a positive reinforcement approach for all learners which is achieved using the following strategies: It’s Good to be Green card system Use of positive praise throughout lessons Award of house points for good work, attitude and behaviour Celebration of good work using certificates, stamps, stars, postcards home Positive comments and peer praise School Values tree Language of Learning House Captains

8 What will our children be learning?
Key topics for this term are: World War 2 (Including DT) Evolution and Inheritance English – Reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Maths – Calculation and reasoning We cover the New National Curriculum subjects (Maths, English, PSHE, ICT, Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Music, PE, French, RE,) using links to topics where possible We will have planned a number of trips across the year, more information will be given closer to the date.

9 PGL Dates 26th – 28th June Osmington Bay, Dorset Contact the office for more information about payment options

10 Home learning Your child has a Reading Record log to develop their passion for reading and literacy skills They are expected to make a reading comment daily – reading with your child daily will make a huge difference They are expected to complete a reading activity weekly Please comment and sign in it too so we can monitor your child’s progress in reading Online learning – Mathletics and Bug Club SATs revision

11 What should your child have EVERY day?
Book bag Reading Record book & reading book Water bottle Healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) Equipment PE kit must be brought in on a Tuesday

12 How else can I help my child’s learning?
Give lots of real life experience – museum trips (many are free), tours of London, going shopping and dealing with money, library trip or just a walk to the park... Develop areas they find challenging through playing, ICT and interacting rather than workbooks and extra work…discovery is an exciting learning tool. Encouraging children to explore their local area, such as parks and attractions

13 Anything else? Social media and mobile phones If you have any concerns about your child’s well-being please let your child’s class teacher or Phase Leader know straight away so they can respond sooner rather than later. You can see them at the end of each day or ask the office to make an appointment for a longer meeting.

14 ANY QUESTIONS? Thank you for coming to support your child’s learning – together we can make a difference.


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