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MAISD Transition Campus PBIS and Safety

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Presentation on theme: "MAISD Transition Campus PBIS and Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAISD Transition Campus PBIS and Safety
Susan L. Mack Pamela Davison

2 About MAISD Transition Campus
Transition Campus for students ages 18 to 26 with moderate cognitive impairments

3 Vision Statement Support all transition students to be as independent as possible in community, vocation and home life settings by building skills in: self advocacy, communication, relationships and safety awareness.

4 About MAISD Transition
Originally five satellite classrooms around the county Used the MATS (bus) system to travel from classroom to classroom Three to four staff and approximately students per satellite classroom Classrooms leveled based on independence

5 All together All five classrooms moved to one location in school year with some resistance. Five different ways of teaching students Five different ways of dealing with student behaviors Five different levels of student independence

6 Independence All students go to job sites
Typically, 1 job coach with 2 students Job sites are divided into 3 levels; Work Exploration Work Based Learning Independent Vocational Training Classes are now departmentalized Our main goal is to develop independence in Job Skills, Daily Living, Self Determination, Community Participation

7 Some staff were resistant to doing PBIS
Some staff were resistant to doing PBIS! NO NEED for PBIS because our students are too old and we are getting them ready to be independent!!

8 Introduction to PBIS The study of human behavior
The principles of PBIS work for everyone! In the work place: Industrial Psychology or Organizational Psychology Start slowly and develop the program as we go along

9 Supporting Skill Development and Behavior

10 2014-2015 School Year Began PBIS!! Safety Team took on PBIS
SWIS – beginning of the school year Expectations: Keys to Success Safety Responsibility Respect Matrix/Lesson Plans Rewards


12 Staff had a series of three trainings on PBIS
Certified staff received training on PD days Administrative Support Student Services Budget was used for PBIS PBIS/Safety meetings once or twice a month


14 Keys to Success!! Safety Responsibility Respect

15 Matrix

16 Expectations




20 School Wide Trainings Lesson Plans for each area
First week of school, after Spring Break Students move around the building with other students in classroom Focus is on being an independent adult Will provide support trainings if needed

21 Lesson Plans for Each Area in Matrix

22 Acknowledgement

23 School Store Weekly, students turn signed tickets into school store for merchandise Student Counsels helps shop for school store items and staff donate items Students put signed tickets into buckets for either a dance or a movie. Fullest bucket activity occurs once a month

24 Staff Rewards

25 Collect Staff Slips At Staff Meetings One or two slips pulled
Both the person acknowledged and the person giving out the ticket gets an early leave.






31 Supporting Practices

32 Yoga and Mindfulness!

33 Social Skills Group For students whose social behaviors create drama
An attempt to help them understand strategies to get along with others Focus on problem solving steps to take Unrestricted conversations for students to vent and process

34 Life Space Intervention

35 LSI

36 LSI

37 Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

38 TCI

39 Safety Staff have attended Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference
Michigan State Police Navigate System 911 Cards

40 Thank you for attending

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