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St. Joseph’s CHP Plant Cogen Plant Location Why Cogen: What is Cogen:

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Presentation on theme: "St. Joseph’s CHP Plant Cogen Plant Location Why Cogen: What is Cogen:"— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Joseph’s CHP Plant Cogen Plant Location Why Cogen: What is Cogen:
Increased Reliability – Operates on natural gas, less susceptible to electrical power outages Increased Redundancy – Additional layer of protection above standard emergency generator systems. Lower Utility Costs. Avoid Costly Upgrade to Current National Grid Infrastructure. Reduce Carbon Footprint – Equal to Removing 2,000 Cars From the Highways Extend Life of Existing Boiler Plant Equipment – existing boilers will become backup systems. What is Cogen: 4.6 MW Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) Produce 80% of the Annual Electricity Consumed Produce 95% of the Annual Steam Consumed Serves the Main Hospital Buildings 1-8 & Phase 2 Buildings. Cogen Plant Location

2 4.6 MW Mercury 50 Solar Gas Turbine

3 4.6 MW Mercury 50 Solar Gas Turbine

4 Heat Recovery Steam Generator - HRSG

5 Flooded Screw Gas Compressor
Boost Natural Gas from 10 psi street pressure up to 210 psi for Turbine Operation

6 Load Management System - LMS
LMS System Main Functions: Monitoring and Synchronization Emergency Load Shedding Maintain Utility Import Level Maintain Turbine Spinning Reserve


8 750 kw Black Start Generator - BSG
BSG is Utilized to Start all Ancillary Cogeneration Plant Equipment during Black Out Condition

9 Site Location

10 Plant Layout

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