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? TRISOMY 21 Perturbed Haematopoiesis Fetal Liver Neonatal Childhood

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Presentation on theme: "? TRISOMY 21 Perturbed Haematopoiesis Fetal Liver Neonatal Childhood"— Presentation transcript:

1 ? TRISOMY 21 Perturbed Haematopoiesis Fetal Liver Neonatal Childhood
MICROENVIRONMENT GROWTH FACTORS/ CYTOKINES (IGF?) Perturbed Haematopoiesis ? MYELOPOIESIS Acquired GATA1 mutation(s) Expansion of HSC with MK/erythroid bias Expansion of MEP Increased megakaryocytes TRANSIENT ABNORMAL MYELOPOIESIS (TAM) MYELOID LEUKAEMIA OF DOWN SYNDROME (ML-DS) Additional genetic events Additional genetic events Reduced B progenitors (ELP-> PreproB block) Reduced B cells ACUTE LYMPHO-BLASTIC LEUKAEMIA LYMPHOPOIESIS Including CRLF2/JAK2 mutations TRISOMY 21

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