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Movement of molecules across cell membrane

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1 Movement of molecules across cell membrane

2 Movement of molecules across cell membrane
This includes the following four transport phenomena 1-Diffusion 2-Mediated-transport system 3-Osmosis 4-Endocytosis & Exocytosis

3 I-Diffusion

4 Definitions 1- Diffusion 2- Flux 3- Net flux 4-Diffusion equilibrium 5- Zero net flux

5 Zero net flux ? When does this occur? Is the cell still able to live ?

6 Notes: Nonpolar (Non-ionized) molecules diffuse through the lipid portion of the membrane much more rapidly than do polar molecules.

7 II- Mediated-transport system
Example : Mineral ions Mineral ions diffuse across membranes by passing through ion channels formed by integral membrane proteins (transporter).

8 The transporter of molecules or ions
Changes in the conformation of the transporter moves the binding site to the opposite side of the membrane.

9 A- Facilitated diffusion ( (Passive transport
Is a mediated-transport process that moves molecules form higher to lower concentration across a membrane by means of transporter. 1-This process does not require a metabolic energy 2- this process occurs continuously with or without bound solute.

10 B- Active transport

11 What is this organelle? Function?

12 Is it real? Thank you

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