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States of Matter Init 5/16/2013 by Daniel R. Barnes.

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1 States of Matter
Init 5/16/2013 by Daniel R. Barnes

2 STATES of MATTER gas liquid solid uhuru more entropy condensation
vaporization liquid freezing “fusion” = melting solid more order shirika / nidhamu

3 Frost forming from water vapor in the air = “deposition”

4 Is this a snowflake forming by deposition,
or a snowflake melting, played in reverse?


6 S  L liquid liquid  gas gas solid

7 S  L liquid liquid  gas gas solid

8 S  L liquid liquid  gas gas solid

9 S  L liquid liquid  gas gas solid

10 S  L liquid liquid  gas gas solid

11 Okay, do the syringe thingie now.

12 Celsius vs. Fahrenheit Graphing Activity
(part of your “lab” grade) Freezing point of water = 32oF = 0oC Boiling point of water = 212oF = 100oC Room temperature = 70oF. What’s that in Celsius? Human body temperature = 98.6oF. What’s that in Celsius? Absolute zero = -273oC. What’s that in Fahrenheit? Boiling point of liquid nitrogen = -196oC = ???oF Equation for a straight line: y = mx + b (where m = Dy/Dx) 1. Graph the freezing point and boiling point of water on graph paper, algebra-style, w/origin in middle of paper. Connect the dots. 2. Use math to determine the equation(s) for your line. (C=f(F) & then F = f(C))

13 Relative # of molecules
221oC Look at Figure 13.3 on page 388. 100oC water 21oC water 50oC water 10oC water 1oC water Relative # of molecules Molecular speed

14 13.1 Vocabulary Quiz crushing force exerted by the earth’s air squeezing you = atmospheric pressure device used to measure pressure = barometer empty space = vacuum energy of motion = kinetic energy force/area exerted by any freely-flying molecules = gas pressure model of matter where we imagine it to be made of moving particles = kinetic theory 760 mm Hg = standard atmosphere (atm) 1/100,000 of 760 mm Hg = Pascal (Pa)

15 13.2 Vocabulary Quiz boiling point of water at sea level = normal boiling point liquid becoming a gas = vaporization pressure exerted by a gaseous material when in equilibrium with a neighboring body of liquid of the same material [HARD] = vapor pressure temperature at which vapor pressure of the material in a liquid equals the surrounding atmospheric pressure [HARD] = boiling point vaporization at the surface of a non-boiling liquid = evaporation

16 13.3 Vocabulary Quiz different molecular forms of the same element, such as diamond and graphite or oxygen gas and ozone = allotropes non-crystalline solid = amorphous solid smallest possible amount of a crystal that has the same shape as the crystal as a whole = unit cell solid in which particles are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern = crystal temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid = melting point transparent, amorphous solid formed by melting and non-crystalline solidification = glass



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