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Masque of the Red Death Vocabulary PPT.

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1 Masque of the Red Death Vocabulary PPT

2 Pestilence (Noun) a deadly or virulent epidemic disease
The Pestilence took out 1/3 of the population in a month. Synonyms: Sickness, outbreak, infection Antonyms: Advantage, Health

3 Latter (Adjective) near or comparatively near to the end, The second
I prefer the Latter of the pastries than the first one. Synonyms: Recent, Following, Second Antonyms: First, Initial, Opening

4 Robust (Adjective) strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous
The boy played sports year round and it made him a Robust fellow! Synonyms: Booming, flourishing, prosperous Antonyms: Fragile, incapable

5 Decorum ( Noun) conduct that is appropriate and illustrates a person is well-mannered The Decorum of the man was questioned when he showed up in his sweats for his date. Synonyms: Dignity, orderliness, Antonyms: Immorality, rudeness

6 Countenance ( Noun) appearance, especially the look or expression of the face The Sad Countenance of the dumped boy was making everyone sad. Synonyms: visage, demeanor, expression Antonyms: agitation, discomposure

7 Disapprobation ( noun)
disapproval; condemnation Because the dog saw its owner’s disapprobation, it hid its face under its paws Synonyms: Boycott, censure, dislike Antonyms: approval, endorsement

8 Barbaric ( Adjective) without civilizing influences; uncivilized; primitive The Barbaric intruders made a mess of the house. Synonyms: brutal, cruel, inhumane Antonyms: civilized, kind, sophisticated

9 Embellishment ( Noun) An ornament or decoration
The Embellishments featured in the palace were over the top! Synonyms: exaggeration, enhancement Antonyms: simplification, plainness

10 Grotesque ( adjective )
odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre. The palace had grotesque statues dating back to the 12th century. Synonyms: absurd, ludicrous, strange Antonyms: common, familiar, normal

11 Monotonous ( adjective )
characterizing a sound continuing on one note, lacking in variety The monotonous tone of the singer put everyone to sleep. Synonyms: boring, dreary, dull Antonyms: bright, eventful

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