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Do you want to watch a game show?

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1 Do you want to watch a game show?
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A

2 What do you like doing in your spare time?
Do you like watching TV?

3 Challenge No.1 How many kinds of TV shows do you know? Make a list.

4 TV shows talent show talk show game show Sitcom news soap opera
情景喜剧 Sitcom =Situation comedy news 肥皂剧 soap opera sports show cartoon

5 Who can tell the quickest? (谁的反映最快)
Challenge No.2 Who can tell the quickest? (谁的反映最快)

6 Game show Talk show News Cartoon Sitcom Soap opera Talent show Sports show

7 Who has the quickest speed? (谁的速度最快)
Challenge No. 3 Who has the quickest speed? (谁的速度最快)

8 1a Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g]. show____ 2.soap opera____ 3.sports show____ 4. sitcom _______ show_____ 6.talent show_____ ________ e d b c a g f

9 What do you think of ? game shows TV shows I love them talk shows sports shows soap operas game shows sitcoms I like them them I don’t mind I don’t like them them I can’t stand

10 A: What do you think of … ? B: I … them Pair work

11 Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. 1b
______ talent show ______ talk show ______ soccer game ______ news 3 1 2 4

12 Read the conversation on page99(大声朗读99页的对话)
Challenge No.4

13 Mark: Hey, Jack, I plan to watch TV tonight. Do you want to join me?
Jack: Sure. What do you want to watch? Mark: Well, what do you think of talk shows? Jack: I don’t mind them, but sometimes they can be a bit boring. Mark: That’s true. Do you want to just watch the news? Jack: I guess so. Maybe we can watch that new talent show after the news. I usually can’t stand talent shows, but that one is quite funny. Mark: OK, sure, but the soccer game starts at 5:00 p.m Jack: Oh, yeah, I want to watch that game, too.

14 1. What does Mark plan to do tonight. 2
1.What does Mark plan to do tonight? 2.What does Jack think of talk shows 3. Do Jack and Mark want to watch the soccer game at 5:00pm? Mark plans to watch TV tonight. He doesn’t mind of them. Yes, they want to watch it.

15 I love watching sitcoms.
Because I can learn some great jokes from them. Sitcoms make me happy/ laugh/… I like watching news, too. I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. So I think news is more educational than sitcoms.

16 Lin Hui and Sally are Mark’s friends, too.
Where are they? What are they doing? What are they probably talking about? They are watching TV at home.

17 Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation
Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows [1–5] in the order you hear them. 2a 1 _______ sitcoms ________ news _______ game shows _______ talk shows _______ soap operas 2 4 3 5

18 Listen again. Complete the sentences.
2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Sally likes to watch _________. 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn _________ from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks ____________ are more educational than sitcoms. 4. Sally loves _______________. She plans to watch Days of Our Past _________. the news or talk shows some great jokes game shows watching soap opera tonight


20 Pairwork 2c A: Do you plan to watch _____(a sitcom, a soap
opera, a game show, a talk show, the news) tonight? B: Yes. I like watching _____ (sitcoms, soap operas, game shows, talk shows, the news). I watch them/it every night. A: Why? B: Because _________ (they’re funny, I want to know what happens next, it’s a good way to relax, they’re interesting, I can learn a lot from them/ it …)

21 Read and find out the TV shows and the opinions.

22 Read and answer 2d What did Sarah do in class today?
2.What does Grace think of soap operas? 3.What are Sarah’s favorite TV shows? Why does she like them? She had a discussion about TV show. She loves them. She likes to follow the story and see what happens next. Her favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. Because she can expect to learn a lot from them and she hopes to be a reporter on day.

23 2d Role-play the conversation.
Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah? Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows. Grace: Oh, I can’t stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next. Sarah: Well, I don’t mind soap operas. But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. Grace: They’re boring! Sarah: Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them. I hope to be a TV reporter one

24 Do you want to watch a game show?
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A(3a-3c)

25 What do you plan to watch tonight?
I plan to watch ....

26 Do you plan to watch news tonight?
I plan to watch the news. I hope to find out what happens around the world. And I can expect to learn a lot from the news.

27 What do you think of …?

28 What comedy shows do you want to watch?
Mr. Bean comedy comedy shows

29 Grammar Focus Do you want to watch the news? Yes, I do./ no, I don’t. What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch Days of Our Past. What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? You can learn some great jokes. Why do you like watching the news? Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. What do you think of talk shows? I don’t mind them. / I can’t stand them./ I love watching them.

30 3a Make a conversation and then practice it
with a partner. A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight? B: I hope to , but I also want to How about you? Do you a talk show or ? A: Oh, I want to watch sitcom watch news want to watch talent show watch a talent show

31 A reporter wants to know what you think of TV shows
A reporter wants to know what you think of TV shows. Please answer her questions. 1. What do you think of game shows? _______________________________________ 2. What comedy shows do you like to watch? 3. Do you plan to watch a sports show tonight? 4. What can you expect to learn from the news?

32 Report: Tom wants to watch a movie. …
Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. (四人一组) 3c Find someone who… Student’s names wants to watch a movie hopes to watch a sitcom expects to watch the news plans to watch a sports show never wants to watch a game show Tom Report: Tom wants to watch a movie. …

33 动词不定式的用法 很多动词后面都可以跟动词不定式作宾语,如:want, like, hope, wish, learn, start, begin, prefer, try, ask等。例如: Do you want to watch a movie? 你想看电影吗? Do you plan to watch a sports show tonight? 你今晚打算看体育节目吗?

34 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
to buy 1. I want _________ (buy) a skirt for my daughter. 2. I’d like you ____________ (stay) with us for a few days. 3. Would you like ___________ (have) a cup of tea? 4. She wants _______ (go) to Tibet with her parents in one year. to stay to have to go

35 4. What do you _________ (plan) watch tonight?
5. What can you ____________ (expect) learn from the news? plan to expect to



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