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Pure  exposure for e/ separation

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1 Pure  exposure for e/ separation
Giovanni De Lellis University of Naples Physics motivation Available data from past TB exposures Planning for a new exposure

2 Physics motivation Goal: measure P(e)
Background to  decays from 1-prong  interactions (pt cut is 100 MeV) Loss of efficiency (i.e. primary pion identified as electron: tau  charm or 2ry int)

3 Current algorithm Basic principle: rate of energy loss is different for electrons and hadrons Classify the tracks in different categories: Stopping with shower  electrons Stopping without shower  2 analysis Punch through  2 analysis

4 χ2 analysis to measure energy variation
: separator 1mm ~ 2mrad In the experiment, the incident momentum is unknown, so E0 is treated as a free parameter to minimize chi-square.

5 Data from May 2001 TB (Toshito, Nagoya)
χ2 for punch through Not interacting Data and pure  MC agreement

6 χ2 for stopped tracks Data and MC agreement
Data from May 2001 TB (Toshito, Nagoya) χ2 for stopped tracks Mixture of electron interacted  Data and MC agreement

7 e-identification: shower + negative 2 (May 2001 TB- Toshito, Nagoya)
According to MC Efficiency 88% mis-id Prob. Efficiency 91% mis-id Prob. Comparison with Cerenkov detector Installed in the upstream of ECC to monitor e/ ratio. e/ ratio 2GeV/c 4GeV/c ECC 1.42±0.17 0.41±0.05 cherenkov 1.46±0.11 0.32±0.03 Consistent

8 Open questions and possible improvements
Significant impurity in the beam  use MC to evaluate efficiencies Mis-identification probability still high for background requirements (try to improve measurements since the feasibility of the method has already been proved) Pure beam needed during the exposure Accurate measurements while analysing the data

9 Electron contamination in the T9 beam (PS-CERN)
We performed an exposure for the Multiple scattering measurement in 2000 (accepted for publication on NIM A) after reducing the electron contamination with material before the last focusing magnet

10 PS beam parameters e/(e+) beam flux Target thickness and Z Beam momentum At 1 GeV e/ running over 2050% (T7-T9) impossible to get low intensity and high purity electron beam difficult (but possible) to get low momentum pure pion beam

11 Pure “low” momentum pion beam
Lead plate before focusing magnet (as already done in Nov 2000 at T9 with about 4 X0  per-mill contamination) Scintillator counters to monitor the beam flux Beam monitoring (geometry) using multi-wire chambers Electron contamination monitored by Cerenkov

12 Pion identification study
Refreshing of the emulsion sheets High density (~103/cm2) and high purity  beam exposure to study  identification efficiency (2 part) and purity with high statistics No other reference tracks needed in the brick Perform the exposure at different  momenta (2-10 GeV) Different pion momenta can be exposed at different angles (~3 energies per brick) Classification of tracks as passing through and stopping  2 analysis

13 Problems with this exposure
Unavoidable µ contamination (a few %, energy-dependent) Muons are passing through the effect will be to change the ratio of the two categories in the analysis (increase punch through w.r.t. stopping without shower)  artificial improvement of the e/ separation Reduce as much as possible the contamination (energy focusing magnet) Possible to control the contamination (Cerenkov) Correct the numbers: we need a contamination knowledge at the level of 1% or less

14 Complementary part of the algorithm: cascade shower analysis at low density
Low density exposure Open a cone (250mrad) around the leading track Count segments inside the cone  energy Electron detection efficiency ~ 95% (Toshito) Contamination of  ~ 2 events at most (14 electrons detected at 2 and 4 GeV in May 2001 exposure-Toshito) Performances can be improved with low background conditions

15 Shower analysis on pion beam
Refreshing of the emulsion sheets Low density (~1/cm2) and high purity pion beam exposure to study  mis-identification with the shower analysis method Reference tracks needed (inclined muon beam) Perform the exposure at different  momenta (1-10 GeV) Different momenta cannot be exposed in the same brick Define a cone and apply shower analysis Muon contamination is not a problem in this case

16 Test beam planning and organization
TB period (July 9-21) TB design (G. De Lellis) Monte Carlo studies (G. De Rosa and V. Tioukov) Electronic detector (I. Kreslo) Beam parameter tuning (G. De Lellis and I. Kreslo) Refreshing (G. Rosa) Brick assembling (BAM) Brick exposure (M. Cozzi, G. De Lellis, G. De Rosa, I. Kreslo, L. Scotto, V. Tioukov, …)

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