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Second Generation Radiotherapy Additional RT Treatment Modalities

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1 Second Generation Radiotherapy Additional RT Treatment Modalities
DICOM Second Generation Radiotherapy Supplement 176 Additional RT Treatment Modalities

2 Introduction to Sup 176 Scope and Field of Application Following the definition of the RT Radiation composite IOD for the most common external beam radiation therapy machine (C-Arm Linac), this supplement adds IOD definitions for three external beam radiation therapy machines that do not fit the C-Arm Linac geometry. In this way, the structure of data that is being established for 2nd Generation RT can be maintained while defining the right format of data for these particular machines (RT also needed to do this for RT ION machines in 1st Generation).

3 Rationale for 2nd Gen General shortcomings of current Radiotherapy Objects in ‘RT 1st Generation’ Radiotherapy Workflow Representation: Basically all function points of RT Workflow in one IOD: RT Plan (besides Treatment Recording) No independent IOD for Prescription Not suited for adaptive character of today’s radiation therapy processes (1st Generation originated from a model of one-time planning, which is outdated today)  Hard to use 1st Generation IODs in a dynamic workflow environment Conclusions: New set of IODs is needed Partitioned along the different function points of the workflow Each object has its dedicated role Extensible for new treatment techniques, positioning technologies, etc.

4 1st Generation

5 Specific Issues of 1st Gen
Shortcomings of RT Plan IOD Over-extended Scope Treatment parameter definition for treatment delivery: OK Besides delivery, various other workflow elements are represented in the same object (prescription, positioning etc.) Prescription: only basic information, and scope of data not defined Positioning: just basic information, no extensibility No way to cover new technologies (unless extending the RT Plan even further) Not Extensible for new Treatment Technologies Unbalanced, historically grown structure: Photon / Electron Beam and Brachytherapy together in one IOD Ion Therapy as separate IOD Three Treatment Record IODs for two plan IODs No concept how to represent new treatment delivery devices

6 2nd Gen Overview

7 Sup 176 Content Sup 175: Introducing general concepts: see later slides Concept of RT Radiation Set IOD Concepts of RT Radiation IODs Various Payload Concepts like Control Points Dose Accumulation Beam Modifier Macros Introducing one 2nd Gen RT Radiation IOD for: conventional Photon / Election C-Arm Linacs Sup 176: Introducing three more 2nd Gen RT Radiation IODs for: Tomotherapeutic Treatment Devices Multi-Source Treatment Devices Robotic Treatment Devices based on Sup 175 Concepts represents also template for future additions of new RT Radiation IODs for more treatment devices

8 Tomotherapeutic Devices
A.VV.1.6 Tomotherapeutic Radiation IOD This machine is characterized by its ability to continuously rotate within a covered gantry (like a CT) while the patient is moved through the bore longitudinally by the treatment table top. It uses a binary MLC for modulating the beam and thus its beam limiting device (a Multi-Leaf Collimator or MLC) only has an in or out setting rather than a millimeter position setting. Device-specific IOD Content: Photon/Electron radiation type Multi-revolution Arc Treatment (using 2nd Gen Continuous Angle representation) Binary MLC Fractional leaf opening Couch speed IEC like Device Geometry

9 Multi-Source Devices A.VV.1.9 Multiple Fixed Source Radiation IOD
This machine is characterized by a fixed mounting of many decaying sources (Cobalt 60, but potentially others as well) in a large, semi hemispherical dome that fits over the patient’ head and neck area. The object defines the source locations, directions and source sizes to use for the desired treatment. The patient is not moved during treatment. Device-specific IOD Content: Use of decaying Radiation Sources Specification of source strength Grouping of sources Use of delivery pattern Time-driven Spherical Device Geometry

10 Robotic Devices A.VV.1.10 Robotic Radiation IOD
This machine characterized by a small linear accelerator mounted on a robotic arm. There is only one source of radiation but it can be directed from a large number of directions that is no longer constrained by mounting on a C-Arm. These directions are achieved by combinations of gantry and table top angles that are being reported by this object. The beam limiting device of this machine can be a fixed cone size or an MLC. Device-specific IOD Content: Photon/Electron radiation type Path definitions Definition of treatment along patterns 3D Room Device Geometry Specification of Source and Target point as 3D coordinates

11 2nd Gen Radiation IODs The following slides provides background on the underlying concepts. Those concepts are realized by Sup 175 and re-used in Sup 176

12 General 2nd Gen Goals Main Goals for 2nd Generation RT Radiation IODs
Well-defined Scope for each IOD Generality versus Specificity Extensibility (new Treatment Techniques) Precision, Cleanness, Efficiency Re-usable Building Blocks Generalized Geometry

13 Radiation IOD Scope Scope: Which Content is needed for Treatment Delivery?  Common Denominator across: Treatment Planning Systems and Treatment Delivery Devices Content beyond that scope not glued to these IODs, since: Never satisfies Producers and Consumers Other dedicated content should have it’s dedicated representation Has its own lifecycle  Further Content Scopes benefit from their own dedicated IODs: RT Prescription -> Physician Intent IOD (Sup 147) Planning-Specific Information -> Planning Record IOD (Sup nnn) Positioning Procedural Content -> Instruction and Result IODs (Sup 160) Status -> Approval IOD (Sup 192) Workflow -> DICOM Worklist, Key Object Selection IOD Etc.

14 Generality versus Specificity
Radiation Set IOD Main Object representing a Radiotherapy Treatment Fraction Container pointing to all contributions of therapeutic radiation dose (aka ‘Beams’ in old world) Represents the therapeutic radiation dose In a generic way Uses Conceptual Volumes as dose tracking entities Concept of physical and radiobiological dose addressed Independent of Treatment Device and Treatment Technique References RT Radiation IODs of any device New RT Radiation IODs can be integrated seamlessly A Radiation Set IOD Instance is the main subject to Planning Scheduling Delivery Monitoring

15 Extensibility Radiation IOD Technique-independent Modules
Serve as root information container Represent the therapeutic radiation dose Generically Physical and radiobiological dose QA Support Technique-specific Modules Accommodate specific treatment parameters Uses generic building blocks as applicable by the specific technique Building Blocks for Beam Elements (Jaws, MLCs, Cones, Wedges, Blocks etc…) Building Blocks for Beam Parameters (Control Point Framework)

16 Precision, Cleanness Definition of Terms Less Optionality Devices
Fractionation, Fraction, Session, Meterset, Control Point … Less Optionality Removal of 1st Generation Variation Hell Devices Individual Identification Class Identification Delivery Device and Patient Support Device clearly modelled

17 Precision, Efficiency Control Points Angles Energy and Radiation Type
Proven concept kept in place Optimized value representation: Now only present at value change No Scaling any more Angles Continuous Angles No Rounding Issues (due to Discontinuities) E.g. Get rid of one of the worst engineering sins, but still prevailing: Extended Angle Flags Energy and Radiation Type Rich model, including Beam Generation Modes (“FFF”, etc.) Re-usable representation Room for Delivery Device-specific Mode Information

18 Re-usable Building Blocks
Building Blocks are generic -> Implementation Efficiency Invocation of Building Blocks: Specific to Treatment Technique -> Include only Elements as needed -> Extensible Approach for new Techniques or new Building Blocks Generic scheme for identification and classification -> High re-use of ‘header data’ -> Future components will re-use the same structure and only differ in specific payload Device-Components, Beam Modifiers Re-usable building blocks (Macros) for: Beam Limiting Devices (Collimators, MLCs, Cones) Compensators Blocks Wedges Holder Devices (Trays, Applicators) Other Modifiers will be added as needed (e.g. Ion Lateral and Range Spreaders etc.) Only used in IODs where applicable

19 Re-usable Building Blocks
External Beam: 1st Gen: 11 Pages 2nd Gen: 1 Page

20 Generalized Geometry Generalized Geometric Information
IEC coordinate system where applicable Other coordinate systems supported (e.g. Sup 176) Always based on Frame Of Reference Formalism Generic registration of Patient FOR to Device FOR Transformation instead of specific Patient Positioner Parameters Specific Patient Positioner Parameters are available as annotation available for display of native representation Decoupled from IEC Drawbacks Open for new Delivery Devices and Patient Support Devices

21 Generalized Geometry

22 Contacts Ulrich Busch Christof Schadt Chair WG-07
Varian Medical Systems Christof Schadt Editor, Vice-Chair WG-07 Brainlab AG

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