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Brought to you by Ms. Tran  GET READY TO BE EDUCATED!!!!

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1 Brought to you by Ms. Tran  GET READY TO BE EDUCATED!!!!
842 You know how we do! CST Boot Camp Brought to you by Ms. Tran  GET READY TO BE EDUCATED!!!!

2 1. ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

3 2. ALLITERATION Think “LL” – L is a consonant – REPETITION OF consonant sounds Live. Laugh. Love.

4 3. ALLUSION When I say “Hakunamata” –I am referencing…THE LION KING!
The makers of the Scream movie ALLUDED TO Munch’s work of art “The Scream” in order to instill fear.

5 4. AMBIGUITY Mysterious, unclear, up to interpretation
The end of “LADY OR THE TIGER?”

6 5. ANALOGY Comparing two things to show likeness
Ex: Climbing towards 842 to climbing towards the highest peak of the mountain.


8 7. ASIDE Character in a play is talking to another character on the side but audience hears and not others on stage. Regina tells a secret to Kate. No other characters know but Kate and the audience.

9 8.ASSONANCE -A SOUND!!!! If worse comes to worst, remember ALLITERATION has 2 L’s = consonant….so the other one, assonance, must be the VOWELS!!!

10 9. AUTHOR You know this. Don’t be silly.

If worse comes to worst, just remember you wrote one quarter 1…

12 11. BALLAD Think BALLAD – BABY Rock-a-Bye Baby:
Hush-a-by baby, On the tree top, When the wind blows, The cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall, And down will fall baby Cradle and all.


14 13. BLANK VERSE NO RHYME NO RHYTHM. Blank = nothing required

STATIC = doesn’t change, static on TV DYNAMIC = Dynamite! Explosion! Changes! FLAT = 1-2 traits, FLAT…NOT MUCH ROUND = Like a REAL PERSON, has many traits

16 15. CLIMAX CLIMB TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!! (highest point in the story)

THINK about smiling after something funny, think smiling because you’re happy… HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

18 17. COMIC RELIEF FINDING NEMO = when things get serious, Dory makes a joke to provide COMIC RELIEF 

19 18. CONFLICT Conflict rhymes with convict
Imagine if a convict moved in with you…how would that cause CONFLICT. He steals your toothbrush! And your cereal?!?!?!? And dates your mom!?!?!? NOOOOOO!!!

20 19. CONNOTATION Connotation Think nation
What do people think or feel about America?

21 20. COUPLET 2 Lines that Rhyme = a Couple 
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

22 21. DESCRIPTION Author DESCRIBES as if you, the reader, were there!!!

23 22. DIALECT DIAL the telephone = hear people talking = people talking from different areas. Huntington Beach: Hey dude, what’s up bro. Southern: Ain’t your mama ever taught you nothin? Louisiana: New Orleans = Nawlins

24 23. DIALOGUE Conversation between 2 + people
Ms. Tran: Will you guys please study for the CSTs? Class: Of course! Whatever you wish, Ms. Tran! I appreciate all of your hard work and time put into helping us study so hard! You’re the best ever! Ms. Tran: I love you, period __.

25 24.DICTION Think DICTIONary….what do you find? WORDS!!!!
Writer’s choice of WORDS!!!

26 25. DRAMA Story meant to be acted for an audience.
We are reading Romeo and Juliet, but it is supposed to be seen as a play.

27 26. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE Poem “From Mother to Son”
Mother speaks to son through the poem Poem is directed to the son The son = silent listener (never says anything)

28 27. EPIC EPIC!!! WOW!!! LONG STORY!!! (about great deeds of a hero)

29 28. EPITHET Think Epithet – het- HAT Abraham Lincoln wore a top HAT
“Honest Abe” –descriptive phrase for him.

30 29. ESSAY YOU WRITE THESE IN CLASS! PERSONAL = free write, informal
FORMAL = serious, academic language

31 30.EXPOSITION EXPO = EXPLAIN = Writing in which you explain
Example: a cook book recipe tells you how to cook something Exposition in plot = Basic Situation

32 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

33 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

34 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

35 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

36 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

37 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

38 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

39 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

40 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

41 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

42 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

43 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

44 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

45 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

46 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

47 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

48 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

49 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

50 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

51 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

52 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

53 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

54 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

55 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

56 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

57 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

58 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

59 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

60 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

61 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

62 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

63 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

64 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

65 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

66 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

67 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

68 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

69 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

70 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

71 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

72 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

73 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

74 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

75 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

76 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

77 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

78 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

79 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

80 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

81 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

82 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

83 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

84 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

85 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

86 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

87 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

88 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

89 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

90 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

91 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

92 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

93 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

94 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

95 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

96 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

97 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

98 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

99 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

100 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

101 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

102 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

103 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

104 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

105 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

106 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

107 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

108 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

109 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

110 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

111 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

112 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

113 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

114 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

115 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

116 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

117 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

118 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

119 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

120 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

121 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

122 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

123 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

124 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

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