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CsI Compton Veto Detector for A low Mass WIMP Experiment

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1 CsI Compton Veto Detector for A low Mass WIMP Experiment
He Dao University 23 Oct 2004

2 Content Introduction of our low mass wimp experiment
Structure of CsI detector Some test and conclusion plan

3 Status of WIMP detection
The thresholds are a few keV Corresponding to the ~10GeV mass limit measurable This is the gotten results. Some projections show very promising and more stringent results.

4 CRESST: lowest threshold
Cryogenic bolometer 262g Sapphire detector The lowest threshold gotten until now: 500keV

5 Our Idea Using low-threshold detector to “find” low-mass WIMP

6 Our detector 5g Ge detector Shielding
Until now, purest material is Germanium. And Lowest background has been achieved by Ge detector.

7 Background Control Cosmic Ray: Underground lab Material background:
purest material: Ge Other particles: Multi-layer shielding: Pb, Cu, CsI veto detector PSD(Pulse Shape discrimination) Until now, purest material is Germanium. And Lowest background has been achieved by Ge detector.

8 Energy Threshold of Detector
less than 100eV after PSD Manganese54, 22Ti (titanium) PSD Parameter: for every current shape 100eV

9 The Aim of Our experiment
Our estimated results: Target mass: 5g Counts rate: count/keV·kg·day Threshold: 100 eV Upgrade to 1kg Ge

10 CsI Compton veto Detector

11 CsI Crystal Structure Top: Bottom: 150mm50mm
29 degree slope from height 30mm 76mm at top Bottom: 150mm30mm

12 CsI Crystal Structure Wall (6 parts): R=75 mm; r=45 mm 5 L=220 mm;
Outlet hole (see pic before)

13 Photon Collection PMT performance:
CR119, one, at the top of CsI crystal low background, good stability Minus HV: -1.5KV Anode resistance : 10K Current: < 1mA Reflecting film covers all surface of crystal .

14 Shielding for high energy gamma.
Compton Veto Function Shielding for high energy gamma.

15 Primary Performance Test
Place : Tsinghua, China Time : 16-18,Aug,2004 Source : Cs-137, Co-60 Bias: 12V HV: -1000V Void inside

16 Co-60 test result Resolution becomes better when the source moves form bottom to top. Peak moves since amplifier threshold adjusted.

17 Cs-137 test result The result seems bad while source near the bottom. That is because of the energy which is not high enough.

18 Comparison of two sources

19 Test Conclusion Photon collection efficiency Ray Energy
Efficiency becomes worse while source moving from top to bottom because only one PMT is used, at top. Ray Energy Higher energy ray can be detected more easily than lower one, which is good for high energy gamma ray shielding in this experiment. , that is because the PMT is on the top. When photons are collected to the PMT, some of them are lost.

20 Plan Now: Nov: Dec: CsI detector was sent to Korea
Installation in Y2L and advanced test MC simulation Dec: Built up with HPGe detector

21 Thank you!

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