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GCSE Religious Studies

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1 GCSE Religious Studies
EDEXCEL SPEC A Practice questions

2 State – 3 sentences needed
SOWA – Sources of wisdom and authority (Bible, Catechism, Torah, Talmud Question Marks What to do a) 3 State – 3 sentences needed b) 4 Explain – 2 fully developed reasons needed c) 5 Explain – 2 fully developed reasons needed AND a reason linked to SOWA d) 12 Evaluate – extended writing with reasons for an against, a religious viewpoint and an informed conclusion

3 3 marks a) State 3 examples
3 reasons why sacraments are important to Catholics 3 reasons why prayer is important to Jews 3 ideas about the Messiah 3 reasons why family is important to Catholics 3 features of a Catholic Church 3 features of a synagogue 3 marks of the Church 3 ideas about the Trinity 3 ideas about human shown in creation 3 examples of piety

4 4 marks b) Explain 2 reasons.. Why Trinity is important?
How Catholics respond to the existence of evil? Why pilgrimage is a form of piety? Changes from Second Vatican Council? 2 pieces of artwork. Why marriage is important for Catholics? Why Mary is a model for the Church? Why Catholics believe in life after death? Why Jesus’ resurrection is important? 2 ways Jews can experience the Shekinah.

5 c) Explain 2 reasons..with SOWA
5 marks c) Explain 2 reasons..with SOWA Why Catholic’s think divorce is morally wrong? Why the design argument leads to a belief in God? Why the Bible is a source of wisdom and authority? Why the synagogue is central to Jewish life? Why music is used in worship? Why private prayer is important to Jews? How a belief in the Trinity affects the life of a Catholic Why Moses is important for the Jewish people? How religious experience may lead to a belief in God. Why evil and suffering may lead a person to not believe in God?

6 d) Evaluate the statement
13 marks d) Evaluate the statement The Bible offers the best solutions to the problem of suffering All Christians should not use contraception Festivals are important because the Tenakh instructs Jews that they must celebrate certain events The Bible contains more teaching against gender prejudice than in favour of it Sex before marriage is always wrong All Christians believe the same about creation

7 SPaG – Spelling, punctuation and grammar
3 marks SPaG – Spelling, punctuation and grammar 0 marks The learner writes nothing • The learner’s response did not relate to the question • The learner’s achievement in SPaG did not reach the threshold performance level, for example errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar severely hinder meaning 1 mark • Learners spell and punctuate with reasonable accuracy • Learners use rules of grammar with some control of meaning and any errors do not significantly hinder meaning overall • Learners use a limited range of specialist terms as appropriate 2 marks • Learners spell and punctuate with considerable accuracy • Learners use rules of grammar with general control of meaning overall • Learners use a good range of specialist terms as appropriate 3 marks • Learners spell and punctuate with consistent accuracy • Learners use rules of grammar with effective control of meaning overall • Learners use a wide range of specialist terms as appropriate

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