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Standard USII.6a Explaining how developments in factory and labor productivity, transportation, communication, and rural electrification changed American.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard USII.6a Explaining how developments in factory and labor productivity, transportation, communication, and rural electrification changed American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard USII.6a Explaining how developments in factory and labor productivity, transportation, communication, and rural electrification changed American life and standard of living

2 Essential Questions How was social and economic life in the early twentieth century different from that in the late nineteenth century? What factors increased factory and labor productivity?

3 Results of improved transportation brought about by affordable automobiles
Greater mobility Creation of jobs Growth of transportation- related industries (road construction, oil, steel, automobile) Movement to suburban areas

4 Invention of the airplane
The Wright brothers

5 Use of the assembly line
Henry Ford, automobile Rise of mechanization

6 Communication changes
Increased availability of telephones Development of the radio and broadcast industry Development of the movies

7 Ways electrification changed American life
Labor-saving products (e.g., washing machines, electric stoves, water pumps) Electric lighting Entertainment (e.g., radio) Improved communications

8 Essential Understandings
Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas.

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