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Classification according etiology, clinical and morphological displays: -- inflammatory nature diseases; - jaws bones cysts; -tumorouse disease - tumor. INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ostitis; periostitis; osteomyelitis.

3 by a contact way along of vascular-nervous fascicle
Expansion of ostitis by a contact way along of vascular-nervous fascicle PERIOSTITIS Acute: serosal purulent Chronic (fibrotic)

4 Osteomielitis Infectious-allergic purulent necrotic process that develops in the bone by external or internal factors. It affects all elements of the bone and often has a tendency to generalization.

5 PATHOGENESIS of Osteomyelitis
Theories of pathogenesis: vascular; allergic; neuro-reflex

6 Classification According to flowing: acute; subacute; chronic.
According to localization: focal, limited (within 3-4 teeth), diffuse (half or whole jaw).

7 Osteomyelitis

8 Odontogenic Phlegmona

9 Abscess of submandibular region

10 Inflammatory character (radicularis) .
CYSTS OF JAWS BONES Оdontogenic Disontogenic prymordial follicle Inflammatory character (radicularis) . Unodontogenic

11 CYSTS OF JAW BONES The most common pathology of the jaw bones. Cysts of the upper jaw there are in 3 times more frequently than the mandibulae . Cyst (from greek – “kystis” – “bubble”) - is a cavity that occurs in the tissues and organs of the body due to various pathological processes. There are true cyst (inner wall of them are covered with epithelium (or endothelium), and pseudocysts that do not have special one.

12 Radicular or preroot cyst

13 Radicular or preroot cyst

14 Kerato-cyst: fibrous cyst wall (1a) is lined by stratified squamous epithelium with acanthosis (1b), pronounced symptoms of keratinization with keratin deposition (2), clearly expressed the layer of basal epithelial cells (3)

15 Follicular cyst: 1 - cyst cavity , 2 - inner surface of the wall (is lined by stratified squamous epithelium), 3 - islands of odontogenic epithelium in the stratum of connective tissue cyst wall.

16 Radicular cyst: the inner surface of the cyst wall lined by stratified squamous unkeratinized epithelium (1), fibrous wall (2) with diffuse inflammatory histio-lymphocyte infiltration and a significant number of white blood cells (3).

17 Radicular cyst with suppuration

18 Fibrotic dysplasia Cherubizm Eosiniphilic granulomas Paget's diseases
TUMULAR DISEASES Fibrotic dysplasia Cherubizm Eosiniphilic granulomas Paget's diseases

19 Face deformation at Fibrotic dysplasia jaw bones

20 Fibrotic dysplasia of jaw bone
Fibrotic dysplasia; mature connective tissue, among which are primitive bony beams and small cysts.

21 Cherubizm

22 Paget's disease

23 Paget's disease

24 TUMOURS According to histogenesis:
Unodontogenic (Benign and Malignant) Odontogenic:

25 Osteoblastoclastomae
tumor is composed of two cell types: small oval monomorphic mononuclear cells (osteoblasts), and giant multinucleated cells (osteoclasts).

26 Malignant unodontogenic
Osteosarcoma; Hondrosarcoma; Lymphadenoma.

27 Osteosarcoma

28 African lymphoma (Burkitt tumor).

29 African lymphoma (Burkitt tumor).
The painting "starry sky" - on a dark background formed by lymphoid cells, visible light numerous macrophages.

30 From enamel organ (ectodermic origin);
Odontogenic tumours develop from tissues of tooth elements: From enamel organ (ectodermic origin); From tooth nipple (mesenchimal origin).

31 Histogenesis of odontogenic tumors
Tumors which develop from odontogenic mesenchyma (1) (pulp, dentine); Tumors which develop from odontogenic epithelium (3) (enamel); Odontogenic tumors of mixed histogenesis.

32 Tumours from odontogenic epithelium
Ameloblastomas Adenomatic tumors Odontogenic carcinomas

33 Multiple large cysts of body and angle of the mandible
Ameloblastomas Multiple large cysts of body and angle of the mandible

34 Clinic-anatomic forms:
Ameloblastomas Clinic-anatomic forms: Cystophorous Solid. Histological forms: Follicular Plexiform (like net) Akantomatic Basal-cellular Granular-cellular

35 Ameloblastoma

36 Follicular ameloblastoma: islands of odontogenic epithelium (1) among mature connective tissue (2), the formation of cysts within the islets (3).

37 Ameloblastoma (follicle form)

38 Odontogenic carcinomas
Malignant ameloblastoma Primary intrabony carcinomas

39 Tumours which are related histologically to the odontogenic mesenchyma:
Benign: dentinoma; mixoma; cementoma (follicular, plexiform (like net), benign cementoblastoma, cementitious fibroma, giant cementoma)

40 Cementoma: the layers of cementoid substance with varying degrees of mineralization (1).

41 Odontogenic tumors of mixed genesis
Benign Ameloblastic fibroma; Odontogenic fibroma; Odontoameloblastoma; Ameloblastic fibroodontoma

42 Ameloblastic fibroma Islets of proliferating odontogenic epithelium among the loose connective tissue that resembles dental papilla tissue.

43 Ameloblastic fibroodontoma
Islands of odontogenic epithelium, loose connective tissue and rudimentary odontoid structures.

44 Malignant odontogenic tumors of mixed genesis (odontogenic sarcomas)
Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma Ameloblastic odontosrcoma

45 Compound odontoma “Composited" odontoma.
Forms of odontomas : Compound odontoma “Composited" odontoma.

46 Thank You for attention!!!!
The End!!! Thank You for attention!!!!

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