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Sustainability Forum Natural Oils as Raw Materials for PU Polyols:

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Forum Natural Oils as Raw Materials for PU Polyols:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Forum Natural Oils as Raw Materials for PU Polyols:
Chaired by Prof. Ramani Narayan, Michigan State University. Natural Oils as Raw Materials for PU Polyols: The Cost, Technical and Regulatory Hurdles Jeff Rowlands – Natural Foams Technology (UK)

2 Challenges to launching a NOP system into the market
Low worldwide NOP production means higher cost to mass produce than petro polyols – typical chicken and egg situation Each NOP behaves differently so “drop in” replacement is not simple NOP foams contain different properties, and may NOT meet the delivery/in-use specifications written for petrochemical foams European REACH legislation is a barrier to NOP innovation. Registration can cost $30K, $120K, up to $500K for each variant These Green Polymers are not REACH Polymers

3 How to meet these challenges…
Find a low-cost quality producer of Natural Oil Polyols Create a pull situation: Focus on what your NOP brings and sell that advantage to the market – get the specs changed. Distinguish between in-use and delivery specifications Explore markets outside Europe because of the REACH registration system and costs Speed up transition by using competitive/existing/proven technology as far as possible

4 Advantages of Natural Foams Technology
The Technology replaces 55%-82% of petrochemical polyols (up to 50% by weight of the foam is bio-based) Active development programme to increase replacement of petrochemical polyols to above 82% Natural Foams have: better flammability better humid age properties lower emissions and odour lower smoke density easier to produce higher SAG factors than petro-chem foams

5 Thanks to for the invitation to this Sustainability Forum, and thank YOU ALL for listening.

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