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Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Nutrition for Health.

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1 Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Nutrition for Health

2 Key Terms Nutrition Nutrients Calorie Hunger Appetite

3 Why does Nutrition Matter??
The food you eat affects your health and quality of life Healthful foods provide fuel for physical activities, help you stay mentally alert, and keep you looking and feeling your best. To make healthful food choices you must learn about nutrition The process by which your body takes in and uses food The energy your body receives from food is measured in calories A unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food

4 Why Nutrition Matters…
Cardiovascular disease During your teen years, choosing the right foods can help you grow and develop. Eating a variety of healthful foods can lower your risk of developing other conditions, including: Certain cancers Stroke Osteoporosis

5 What influences your food choices?
Hunger: the natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body’s need for food. Appetite: the psychological desire for food People eat for two reasons: hunger and appetite

6 Food and Emotions Do you eat to feel an emotional need? Stressed
Lonely Sad Frustrated Boredom Reward Using food to relieve tension or boredom can cause weight gain

7 Food and your environment
People and things around you affect what you eat Family and Culture Friends Time and Money Advertising

8 Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Nutrients

9 Key Terms carbohydrates fiber proteins cholesterol vitamins minerals

10 Giving your body what it needs
6 Types of Nutrients Provide Energy 1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins 3. Fats Other Functions 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water Everything we eat contains nutrients Nutrients perform specific roles in maintaining body functions Energy source Heal and repair Growth Transport oxygen Regulate body functions

11 Carbohydrates Starches and sugars found in most foods, which provide your body’s main source of energy Each gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories of energy

12 Types of Carbohydrates
Simple carbs Sugars Found in fruit (fructose) Found in milk (lactose) Other examples…honey, syrup, processed foods, baked goods, soda, candy Complex carbs Starches Breads, pasta, beans, potatoes


14 Types of Carbohydrates continued….
Fiber A tough complex carb that the body cannot digest Moves waste through your digestive system Helps you feel full Protects from cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes We need grams a day Examples…vegetables, fruit, whole grains, oatmeal

15 Role of Carbohydrates Your body uses carbs by breaking them down
Most turn into simple sugar, called glucose Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body Glucose can be stored in body tissue and used later during intense activity What if you don’t use the glucose???

16 Proteins Nutrients your body uses to build and maintain cells and tissues Made up of amino acids There are 20 amino acids Your body can make 11 of them on its own The other 9 come from foods (protein) Complete protein Contains all 9 “essential amino acids” Found in animal products Incomplete protein Lack one or more of the essential amino acids Found in plant products

17 Role of protein Basic building material of your body cells.
Muscles, bones, skin, organs are all made of protein Helps you grow through adolescence Maintain and repair muscle, ligaments, tendons Carry oxygen to your cells (the hemoglobin in red blood cells) Can be used as a source of energy (slower than carbs)

18 Fats Get a bad reputation Your body needs a certain amount of fats
The type you choose is important Choose healthier fats Types: Unsaturated fats Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds Lower your risk of heart disease Saturated fats Mostly in animal products (meat and dairy) Too many can increase risk of heart disease

19 Fats continued… Trans fats
Formed by hydrogenation (causes oil to harden) Fats become saturated and solid Stick margarine, cookies, crackers, many snack foods Raises cholesterol and increase risk of heart disease Some places have laws banning transfat

20 Role of fats Concentrated form of energy (9 calories per gram)
Brain development, blood clotting, controlling inflammation Maintaining healthy skin and hair Absorb vitamins (A, D, E, K) Fats not used are stored as body fat (insulation)

21 Fats continued…. Cholesterol A waxy fat-like substance
Needs to create cell walls, hormones and vitamin D Too much can build up on artery walls and cause heart disease

22 Vitamins Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes Water soluble (vitamins C, B, folic acid) Dissolve in water and passes easily in the bloodstream Body doesn’t store, removed by the kidneys Fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K) Stored in fat to use to later Can build up until the point it can become harmful

23 Minerals Examples Calcium Bones and teeth Phosphorus Produces energy
Magnesium Muscle and nerve function Iron Red blood cell, oxygen Immune system Elements found in food that are used by the body Body cannot produce minerals, you must get them from food

24 Water Moves food through digestive system
Transports nutrients and removes wastes Cools the body through perspiration Cushioning in the eyes, brain, spinal cord Lubricating the joints You need 8-10 cups a day Can come from food sources If you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated Limit your caffeine (it eliminates water from your body)

25 Healthy Food Guidelines
Chapter 10 Lesson 3 Healthy Food Guidelines

26 Key Terms Dietary Guidelines for Americans MyPyramid nutrient-dense

27 Guidelines for Eating Right and Active Living
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans. Published by the USDA (US Dept of Agriculture) and HHS (Department of Health and Human Services Science-based advise for healthy living Three key guidelines Make smart eating choices from every food group Find your balance between food and activity Get the most nutrition out of your calories

28 Five main food groups: Choose a variety of foods from each group
Grains Vegetables Fruits Milk Meats and beans

29 My Pyramid An interactive guide to healthful eating and active living
Each colored band represents a different food group The bands are different width, indicating which foods you need more of than others The yellow band is for oils, NOT a food group The steps on the side of the pyramid remind you to be active everyday. Balance the food you eat with physical activity


31 Focus on Fruit Vary your Veggies Best Choices Eat a variety of fruits
Fresh fruit rather than fruit juice Eat all different colors of vegetables

32 Best Choices Get your calcium rich foods Make half your grains whole
Choose low –fat dairy products Milk, yogurt, cheese Dark green vegetables Calcium-fortified foods Whole-grain cereal, bread, pasta Check the ingredient list to be sure it says “whole” grain

33 Go Lean with Protein Best Choices Limit Certain Foods
Lean meats and poultry, fish, nuts, beans Grill, bake or broil, not fry Limit foods high is saturated and trans fats, salt and sugar “Sometime foods”

34 My Plate

35 Get the most nutrients out of your calories
Nutrient dense foods: foods that have a high ratio of nutrients to calories The more nutrient dense a food is, the more nutrients it packs into a given number of calories Ex.~a large carrot has = calories to a ½ oz of chips, but the carrots are more nutrient dense Balance your less nutrient dense foods with higher nutrient dense foods If your eating a turkey sandwich, add more vegetables as a side and a very small serving of chips

36 Starting the Day Right EAT BREAKFAST!!
Kids who eat breakfast typically do better in school Less likely to be overweight (Eat less calories during the day) Helps you metabolize glucose more effectively

37 Sensible Snacks Healthy snacks can keep you from eating too much at your next meal Fruits Veggies String cheese Nuts Popcorn Yogurt


39 Eating Right When Eating Out
Watch portions Share a meal with a friend Pay attention to how food is prepared Choose grilled, baked, broiled Add fresh fruits and vegetable Add a salad Go easy on topping Watch dressing, mayo, butter, sour cream Don’t drink your calories Choose water

40 Nutrition Labels and Food Safety
Chapter 10 Lesson 4 Nutrition Labels and Food Safety

41 Key Terms food additives foodborne illness pasteurization
cross-contamination food allergy food intolerance

42 Nutrition Label Basics
Food labels provide information about the ingredients and nutritional values Name of the food Amount of food in the package Name and address of the company that makes the food Ingredients in the food Nutrition Facts panel

43 Ingredient lists Food appears on the label in descending order by weight Food that is the largest weight is listed first, followed by the next largest and so on Watch out for ingredients that are similar ingredients but really mean the same thing Ex. Sugars….high fructose corn syrup, sugar, corn syrup



46 Nutritional Claims ~Federal law give definitions for food claims
Free Contains none or insignificant amount Fat-free, sugar-free, cholesterol-free Low 5 % or less is low Light Must contain 1/3 or fewer calories, ½ the fat, or ½ the sodium Reduced 25% of fewer calories of nutrients

47 Nutrition Claims High Good Source of Healthy
20% of the daily value for a vitamin, mineral, protein or fiber “Excellent source of” or “rich in” Good Source of 10-19% of the daily value for a vitamin, mineral, protein or fiber Healthy Must be low in fat and saturated fat and contain limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium Provide 10% of the daily value for vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber


49 Serving Size Calories Nutrients Vitamins and Minerals Footnote Percent Daily Value


51 Food Safety Foodborne illness
Food poisoning Bacteria and viruses cause most food poisoning Salmonella, e coli Some present naturally in animals, food can become contaminated if not washed properly, can be spread from humans who handle food Symptoms of food poisoning Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Fever Dehydration

52 Keeping food safe to eat
Pasturization: treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens Used in milk and juices to prevent e coli infection Cross-contamination: the spread of pathogens from one food to another Wash cutting boards, utensils, countertops between preparing different food items Wash fruits and vegetables

53 Keeping food safe to eat…
Separate Keep foods away from other foods when storing and preparing Separate meat, poultry from other foods Cook Heat to a high enough temperature to kill pathogens Chill Refrigerate perishable foods

54 Food Sensitivities Food allergies: condition in which the body’s immune system reacts to substances in some foods. milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, fish, shellfish Varying degrees of allergic reaction Food intolerance: a negative reaction to food that doesn’t involve the immune system more common than a food allergy Lactose intolerance (not enough enzyme to digest lactose)

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