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Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Lukowicz.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Lukowicz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Lukowicz

2 Cultural and Geographical Influences
Natural Resources Cultural and Geographical Influences Vocabulary Geography 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 dress, values, celebrations,
culture What is the language, dress, values, celebrations, and other ways of life that a group of people share? Row 1, Col 1

4 Which country borders Mexico
United States Which country borders Mexico to the north? 1,2

5 What are some (at least 2) items
tortillas, flour, popcorn What are some (at least 2) items made from corn? 1,3

6 Why might Connecticut have more seafood available than Nebraska?
CT is located closer to the ocean than Texas. Why might Connecticut have more seafood available than Nebraska? 1,4

7 What is the imaginary line that divides one place from another?
border What is the imaginary line that divides one place from another? 2,1

8 What is the capital of Mexico?
Mexico City What is the capital of Mexico? 2,2

9 from the natural resource
jewelry Name a product made from the natural resource silver? 2,3

10 Why might you be able to find more Mexican restaurants in
Texas is located on the border of Mexico Why might you be able to find more Mexican restaurants in Texas than in Connecticut? 2,4

11 What do you call something we use that comes from nature?
natural resource What do you call something we use that comes from nature? 3,1

12 Is Mexico north, south, east, or west of the United States?

13 pottery, adobe bricks for houses
Name an item made from clay 3,3

14 Why might you run into more Spanish-speaking people in the
Mexico is on the southern border of the U.S. Why might you run into more Spanish-speaking people in the southern United States than in the northern United States? 3,4

15 particular area over a long
climate What is the weather of a particular area over a long period of time? 4,1

16 Name the two bodies of water on the east and west coasts
Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Name the two bodies of water on the east and west coasts of Mexico. 4,2

17 silver, clay, warm climate, corn, beans, chili peppers, oil, cacao
Name at least 3 natural resources of Mexico. 4,3

18 When people move from place to place, why might they take parts
It makes them feel comfortable/they enjoy things about their culture When people move from place to place, why might they take parts of their culture with them? 4,4

19 What is the name for land that is surrounded by water on three
peninsula What is the name for land that is surrounded by water on three sides? 5,1

20 Name the four states that
California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas Name the four states that border Mexico. 5,2

21 Name at least one product or industry that is made possible
beaches, travel/tourism, corn, beans Name at least one product or industry that is made possible by Mexico’s warm climate. 5,3

22 If you decided to move to another country, in what ways
wear American clothes, eat American foods, speak English instead of new language, celebrate American holidays If you decided to move to another country, in what ways might you hold on to your American culture? 5,4

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