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Total Solar Eclipse August 21st 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Solar Eclipse August 21st 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Solar Eclipse August 21st 2017

2 Instructions There will be two slides as directions.
1) Will cover the PowerPoint specific things that you need to apply to this presentations 2) Will cover the science specifics behind the solar eclipse. **You will be graded on accuracy, depth of explanation as well as appearance of the presentation. ***Be SURE that everything is in your own words. You must use ONLY the two links provided.

3 Links to work with health/2017/7/25/ /total-solar-eclipse-2017-explained

4 PowerPoint specific requirements
1) Change the entire appearance of this presentation. Change the template, and change the fonts. 2) Make sure you have at least four images (you can use other google images other than the ones on the two sites). Also make sure you add an image style to each of the pictures. 3) Be sure to add an animation specific to the solar eclipse. 4) Embed a video of how a solar eclipse works. Bonus points if you fade in and out the video.n 5) Add the mustang logo in the slide master at the bottom right corner of every single slide. (mustang logo is on wiki). Size should also be small.

5 Solar eclipse specifics
1) You must explain how a solar eclipse works. Images should be included. 2) you must explain how each of the factors must coincide in order to see a full eclipse. 3) you must explain why Naples will only see a partial eclipse. 4) Be sure to include the 12 areas that will experience the full solar eclipse and why. 5) Be sure to explain WHY you cannot stare at it directly(in more detail than “it will burn your retina.” WHY will it. 6) Explain how solar glasses are made in order to protect the eyes(what specifically is used and how does that filter out the damage? 7) use the following slides as guides. You must explain each as well as everything above.

6 Why this in Marine? Why? The moon and the sun will be discussed throughout the entire marine course. The influence of both greatly changes the oceans and in turn human health and the environment.

7 What is a solar eclipse?

8 Conditions to Create a Solar Eclipse
1) A new Moon

9 Conditions to Create a Solar Eclipse
2) The moon has to cross the Earth’s Orbit.

10 A node A Node is

11 Conditions to Create a Solar Eclipse
3) The moons distance from earth

12 Now Keep Going!

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