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Welcome to our classroom!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our classroom!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our classroom!

2 Ms. Yeates, Ms. Ray, and Mrs. Lee have centers the first part of the morning.
Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Frishman, and Ms. Kloeppel have centers later in the morning. Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Crawford, and Ms. Fredrickson have centers last. Library day is Thursday. Computer lab is Tuesday. We go to art, pe and music.

3 Happy Tickets

4 White Homework Folder We have only one folder in Kindergarten. The white folder is our homework folder. This folder needs to be initialed and returned daily. Notes that require your attention will be included in this folder along with any homework that needs to be completed. This folder also keeps you informed of your child’s behavior for the day.

5 Homework Policy Kindergarten children will be given some assignments throughout the week. The homework consists of handwriting, guided reading, or math practice. Homework should be returned the following day. Children are rewarded with a happy ticket for each returned assignment. Sight word practice and reading with your child are two things that should be done daily in order to build reading skills. We consider return of the white daily behavior/homework folder part of their homework responsibility and it will be noted under work habits on the report card.

6 Guided Reading Books Guided reading will begin soon. Your child will be bringing home a ‘book in a bag’ that includes a book that we have practiced during our reading group. A reading log is also in the bag and will need your signature. Please return the book, log and homework in the baggy.

7 Writer’s Workshop Cover

8 Pencil grip

9 RESTROOM PROCEDURES Each class takes frequent trips to the restroom.
Students are permitted to go as needed using classroom bathroom passes.

Any changes in transportation must be made in written form. Please send a note when there is a change in transportation. Include: Date of change Method of transportation Signature

11 COOKING Every other Friday a parent is asked to supply our cooking materials. Students will assemble the cooking project. Students will write about their cooking assignment. If your student has any allergies please let your teacher know.

12 Kindergarten Weebly Find out what’s happening in kindergarten each week!

13 PT-Avenue is a new central software platform for communicating PTA and school news, events and opportunities to any family who registers (not just members).   Please register as a family (at least one adult + Pattison students). Parents select which information to include in directory (toggle between Yes/No for each field (name, address, phone & ) Select areas in which you might like to volunteer.  Actual sign ups will come later. Register by September 11th to avoid missing out! See PTA welcome packet for instructions at

14 October 10th

15 Friday, Oct. 7th



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