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Species Interact in Biological Communities

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Presentation on theme: "Species Interact in Biological Communities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Species Interact in Biological Communities
By: Stephanie T. and Taylor E. 

2 Biological Communites
♥ The 6 Biological Communites.. ♥Mutualism ♥Competition ♥Predation ♥Inhibition ♥Commensalism ♥Neutralism

3 Mutualism ♥ 2 specias live together and benifit from it .
♥ Example: a clownfish and a anemonie. The clownfish gets protection and the sea anemonie gets food.

4 Competition ♥ When 1 or more species is seeking the same limited resource. ♥ Example: 2 lions fighting for the same animal.

5 Predation ♥ When 1 organism feeds on the other.
♥ Example: A bird eating a worm.

6                          Inhibition ♥ A defence that plants use to defend themselves against predators. ♥ Example: thorns on roses.

7 Commensalism ♥ When one species benifits from the other without harming it. ♥ Example: moss on trees  

8 Neutralism ♥ When species dont affect each other
♥ Example: A chimpmunk and a bunny

9  Citations  ♦  ♦  

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