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Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

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1 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Rabi conference Vigyan Bhawan 19th September, 2017

2 at a glance At a glance RKVY-introduction
Utilization position of funds Geotagging of RKVY assets –status PPPIAD under RKVY Issues to be addressed

3 RKVY-Introduction Umbrella flexi scheme since 2007- Autonomy to States
Funding to states in 2 equal instalments for Agriculture & Allied sector Gap filling in existing funding but no overlapping with other schemes Centrally Sponsored Scheme: Centre(60) : States(40); NER States (10) : Centre (90) & % for UTs Criteria for Allocation of funds to States based on 6 parameters District /State Agriculture Plan & SAIDP based Planning Project Mode -Cost norms as per ongoing schemes/ programmes of GoI/ States

4 RKVY-STREAMS Production& growth Seeds Nutrients Plant Protection
Machinery Extension Infrastructure Soil testing labs Seed testing labs Fertiliser quality control labs Pesticide testing labs Custom hiring centres Post harvest infrastructure and Godowns Cold storage Market Shed Milk centres etc. Sub-schemes(20%) BGREI CDP FMD Reclamation of problem soils Saffron Mission Flexi funds(10%) - initiatives related to production &growth, infrastructure etc. Together 80%

5 Status of Allocation, Release and Utilization of funds under RKVY
Total UC pending for is Rs crore and for UC pending is Rs cr

6 Major Unspent Balances pending with the States ( crore)
Sl. No. State 1 Bihar 89.65 21.75 2 Jharkhand 28.64 17.10 3 Punjab 16.18 33.15 4 Uttar Pradesh 5.34 - 5 Jammu & Kashmir 2.88 1.74

7 Major Unspent Balances pending with the States (Rs. in cr)
Sl No State 1 Odisha 206.83 2 Madhya Pradesh 155.12 3 Maharashtra 122.51 4 West Bengal 113.04 5 Uttar Pradesh 105.93 6 Punjab 95.81 7 Assam 94.67 8 Telangana 85.25 9 Haryana 83.24 10 Tamil Nadu 75.96 11 Gujarat 65.92 * Nagaland is the State with 100% utilization of funds under RKVY.

8 Status of SAP/DAP/ SAIDP for XII Plan
SAP/ DAP/ SAIDP prepared: Andhra Pradesh, Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, West Bengal Only SAP & DAP : Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal Only SAP : Nagaland Only DAP : Maharashtra, Kerala

9 Geo Tagging of RKVY Assets
Concept and Objective: Development of Web-based geo-portal on ISRO-Bhuvan platform for RKVY assets Process of adding geographical identification like latitude and longitude to assets Android based mobile app. for capturing RKVY assets at block/Tehsil/Mandal/District levels Capacity building and Training of Trainers(TOTs) at State level Help user find location specific asset information.

10 Geo-spatial spread of RKVY GEO Tags as on 15th Sep, 2017
Sates to improve Sikkim Nagaland- 0 Manipur- 3 Assam Arunachal Pradesh-19 Bihar Meghalaya- 85 Better States Odisha – 7762 Karnataka J&K Andhra Pradesh- 5203 Tamil Nadu – 3992 Uttarakhand- 3018 West Bengal

11 Status of State level Bhuvan users and No of Geo-tags

12 Status of State level Bhuvan users and No of Geo-tags

13 Public Private Partnership for Integrated Agricultural Development
PPPIAD- Under RKVY “Making farming a viable business proposition”

14 Main Features of PPPIAD
Corporates to propose Integrated projects in Agriculture & Allied sectors Projects can span 3-5 years. Each project to target 5000 farmers. Mobilizing farmers to produce in groups. Average investment is Rs lakh per farmer. Government support will be restricted to 50% (ceiling of Rs.50,000/- per farmer) Financial assistance provided by States to Corporates through the RKVY.

15 Major Interventions taken under PPPIAD- RKVY
Maharashtra-51 projects Eg. -Vegetable (FPOs & Export Companies) -PPPIAD Value Chain Development in Banana (Rs.1.47 cr) Odisha- 8 Projects Eg- INCENTIVISING HYBRID SUNFLOWER Cultivation of Hybrid Sunflower in PPP endeavor (Rs.5.04 cr) Karnataka- 3 projects Eg- Implementation of PPP-IHD (Public Private Partnership-Integrated Horticulture Development) Project Vegetable and Fruit Crops (Rs cr), Districts- Bangalore & Belgaum etc Andhra Pradesh – 2; Madhya Pradesh: 1 ; Gujarat- 1 and Jharkhand -1.

16 National Value System Partnership Platform New Initiatives for PPPIAD
Hon’ble PM’s vision of doubling farmers income by 2022 Committee on Doubling Farmers Income submitted 4 volumes Volume-4 recommends establishment of “National Value System Partnership Platform” to foster integrated value chain in Agriculture, Horticulture and allied Sectors to synergize efforts under PPPIAD Aims at bringing about transformation of food value chain system in India through market led and multistake holder participation

17 National Value System Partnership Platform New Initiatives for PPPIAD contd/-
Aims at: Market led production (farm to fork) Market risk management Higher degree of monetization of farm produce Recommending platform structure at National level, State level and District level

18 Proposed Agricultural Value System Platform
Strengthen and build Partnerships Inter-state Intra-state International Initiate new market links Integrated value chain system Demand linked supply chains Workshops & Round-tables State level National level Identify investments Assess proposals Incubate, assist Integrate govt. schemes Monitor and impact reports Project development Trade development Enterprise approach Farmer income growth Policy strengthening Gainful productivity Upscale existing models New business models Knowledge exchange Catalyse & encourage One-nation agricultural market Unlock development bottlenecks Sustainable agri-business for farmers Future ready supply chain networks Socio-economic boost due to enhanced income to farmers Reduction in Food loss through enhanced linkage with demand Meet climate change targets & sustainable development goals Income security for farmers Nutrition security for consumers Impact Goal Outcomes Activities Advisory council Source: DFI Report

19 Proposed Structure of AVS Platform
National AVSP Executive Committee Advisory Council A multi-stakeholder National Executive Committee will provide strategic leadership and oversee activities of the partnership platform. Advisory Council of inter-ministerial govt. representatives, civil society, farmer groups, private sector – provide advise and support National AVSP Secretariat To coordinate operational and knowledge support, and contribute to governance and monitoring of activities Headed by senior professional with private sector experience, with 4-5 supporting staff State AVSP Executive Committee Advisory Board State Directorate of Agriculture Marketing, guided by the Chief Secretary To analyze potential value chain partnership, formulating partnerships and putting an implementation framework District AVSP Task Force SAU, KVK, NABARD with inclusion of farmers, community, partnership with NGO, SHG and entrepreneurs To implement the identified set of activities as an integrated value chain system Block Level Management Unit Gram Panchayat and ATMA, FPO, village level societies, SHG, NGO and other groups To identify grassroots innovation & entrepreneurs and build collaboration in the business chain Source: DFI Report

20 Issues to be addressed States to submit pending UCs and physical financial reports for claiming 2nd instl. of funds States like J&K, Meghalaya, Manipur, Punjab and Goa etc. are not entering data in RKVY-MIS ( onwards). States to ensure complete updation of entries in MIS for further release of funds. Projects to be submitted in the DPR format already circulated States to fast pace geo tagging of RKVY assets SAP/DAP/SAIDP need to be prepared Replies on CAG audit pending from Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, J&K, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Kerala, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Sikkim.

21 Thank you

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