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Los Apuntes: Indirect Object Pronouns

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1 Los Apuntes: Indirect Object Pronouns

2 Un Repaso: DOP’s Who? What? RECEIVE
Direct object pronouns answer the questions _________ or _________ about the verb. They directly_____________ the action of the verb. DOP’s Examples: I buy it (the book). She wants them (the shoes). We have it. (the house). What? RECEIVE me nos us te You (familiar) os you all (familiar) lo, la It, you (formal), him/her los, las them, you all (formal) Yo lo compro. Ella los quiere. Nosotros la tenemos.

3 Indirect Object Pronouns (IOP’s)
Indirect object pronouns answer the questions ___________________ or ___________________ about the verb. They indirectly receive the action of the verb. IOP’S To Whom? For Whom? me to/ for me nos To/for us te to/for you (familiar) os To/for you all (familiar) le to/ for you (formal), him/her les To/for them, you all (formal)

4 Placement of IOP’s with 1 verb
If there is one verb, you have one option. The IOP goes ____________ the verb. I buy her the book. Yo le compro el libro. She buys me the shoes. Ella me compra los zapatos. We buy the house for you. Nosotros te compramos la casa. BEFORE Ask yourself: To Whom? / For whom? about the verb to find the IOP

5 2. She sells a lemonade to me. Ella me vende una limonada.
Underline and label the subject, verb, direct object in each sentence. CIRLCE the indirect object pronoun. Then translate. La Practica I buy you a car. Yo te compro un carro. 2. She sells a lemonade to me. Ella me vende una limonada. 3. They sell the coffee to him. Ellos le venden el café.

6 Placement of IOP’s with 2 Verbs
If you have 2 verbs, you have 2 options for placing the IOP. It can go ____________ the first verb or ______________ to the end of the 2nd verb. Examples: I am going to buy you a handbag. Yo te voy a comprar una bolsa. Yo voy a comprarte una bolsa. He wants to buy us a video. Él quiere comprarnos un video. Él nos quiere comprar un video. BEFORE attached

7 Translate to Spanish using an IOP
You are going to buy me a car. Tú vas a comprarme un carro. Tú me vas a comprar un carro. My friend wants to buy you (the) lunch. Mi amigo quiere comprarte el almuerzo. Mi amigo te quiere comprar el almuerzo. We are going to buy him a compact disc. Nosotros le vamos a comprar un disco compacto. Nosotros vamos a comprarle un disco compacto. Ask yourself: To Whom? / For whom? about the verb to find the IOP

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