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Presentation on theme: "RED KAYAK CHAPTER NOTES & CHARACTER QUOTES"— Presentation transcript:

QUOTATION MARK TIP: If you are transcribing a quotation inside of another quotation, enclose the inside quotation with single quotation marks. Example: “The theme of story was stated by Bobby when he announced, ‘In a war, no one really wins. My Mamma used to say, ‘In war there are only losers.’ I think she was right’ “ (Mill 281). When quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing, you must use parenthetical citations. When citing a quote, the parenthetical comes after the last quotation mark, but before the period. When citing summarizing or paraphrasing, the parenthetical comes at the end of the last sentence in your summary (or paraphrase) BEFORE the period. A cited summary : In Cinderella, a young orphan is raised by her wicked step mother who resents her for her beauty and sweet demeanor. Despite the step mother’s interference, Cinderella meets and marries Prince Charming, and lives happily ever after (Grimm 23-48). Chapter 1 Write down at least 3 common questions that you and your group members had after reading chapter 1 Chapter 2 Summarize chapter 2 (Cummings ). Marcellus DiAngelo: transcribe and cite 2 quotes about Marcellus (Mr. DiAngelo) : one from page 10 and another from page 12. J.T. : transcribe 2 or more quotes Digger: transcribe 2 or more quotes. Chapter 3 Summarize chapter 3 (Cummings ). Ben: transcribe 2-3 quotes about Ben. Chapters 4 -6 Summarize chapter 4 (Cummings ). Transcribe at least 6 characterization quotes on Brady , at least one from every chapter so far. Summarize chapter 5 (Cummings ). Summarize chapter 6 (Cummings ).

Summarize the newspaper story (44 – 45). BRADY: Include 2 cited quotes from page 46 that imply character traits for Brady. Summarize Brady’s conversation with Principal Owen at his locker that morning (45). Summarize what happened at the assembly and how it made Brady feel (46). Paraphrase how Brady felt about J.T. & Digger’s treatment of him in Chapter 7 (46-47). Chapter 8 Paraphrase Brady’s Mom’s appearance & actions at the beginning of Chapter 8 (48-49). Brady’s Mom: Include 2 quotes from pg that implies (through her appearance & her actions) her love for Brady Paraphrase Brady’s reaction to the news his mother gives him (49 – 50). Brady: Include a quote that explains how Brady USUALLY feels on the water Include the quotes where Brady screams and then accuses the river. Include Brady’s estimation of the river’s reaction to the event. Paraphrase Brady’s description of the river as it appears in chapter 8 (52). Paraphrase the last paragraph of Chapter 8 (53). Chapter 9 Summarize what Brady most needs from his Dad in Chapter 9 (54-61). TOM PARKS: complete the 2 sentence quote in which Brady describes his Dad’s reaction to talking about feelings. “I knew Dad……” (55). TOM PARKS or MRS. PARKS: Complete the 2 sentence quote in which Brady explains how the family has dealt with the loss of Amanda. “I was seven….” (57). BRADY: Transcribe 2 to 4 direct quotes from chapter 9 that explain how Brady is feeling and what he is thinking. Summarize what happened to Amanda and how Brady’s family has dealt with the loss (57). INFERENCE:Brady skips school to talk – Given what we read in chapters 4, 5 & 6, is this a big deal for him? What does that imply about how important it is to him to talk Paraphrase the reason Brady gives for throwing the crabs overboard (61). INFERENCE: Based on Chapter 9, provide another reason why Brady threw over $500 worth of crabs overboard.

Summarize the basic problem that the Parks family has with communication ( ). Tom Parks: Complete the 2 sentence quote that begins, “It hit me…”(63). INFERENCE: Why do you think Brady’s parents asked Carl to talk to him after he threw the crabs off the boat? CARL: Complete the 2 sentence quote which describes Carl that begins, “Carl is one…”(64). Summarize pages 67 – 69. THEMATIC QUOTES QUOTE the possible thematic statement on page 63 that begins, “What I did…”(63) QUOTE the 2 sentence, possible thematic statement on page 64 that begins, “You need to talk…”(64). QUOTE the 2 possible thematic statements in on page 4 that echo Carl’s statement on page 64. Chapter 11 Paraphrase what Brady did on the day of Amanda’s funeral and how he feels about it (71-72). CARL: Complete the 2 sentence quote in which Brady describes his Aunt Tracy and Carl that begins, “My aunt Tracy had…” (73). Summarize why Brady’s mom feels she understands why Mrs. DiAngelo is by herself at the house and Mr. DiAngelo is staying in Virginia. BRADY: the 3 sentence quote describing Brady’s relationship with the water that begins, “But I knew I……”(79). Paraphrase Brady’s actions after he learns Mrs. DiAngelo is by herself. Summarize Tom’s accusations about his drill (78). Paraphrase Brady’s Mom’s explanation of why Tom Parks is stressed (78). Summarize pages 79 & 80. THEMATIC QUOTES QUOTE the possible thematic statement by Brady’s Mom on page 70. SETTING QUOTE QUOTE the description of the Bailey’s Wharf (71). Brady’s Mom: quote the advice she gives Brady in Pizza Hut. Chapter 12 Paraphrase the Mrs. DiAngelo sent Brady Tom Parks : quote Tom’s attitude prior to the dinner with the DiAngelos to the wealthy people who have been building homes in the area. Summarize the holiday dinner the Parks shared with the DiAngelos. Summarize Brady’s first day of work for Mrs. DiAngelo. Brady’s Mom: Brady’s explanation of what she believes about butterflies and little spirits. Quote Brady’s exclamation when he stops scrubbing the dishes to turn around to confront his mother. Paraphrase the reason why Tiny Tim ended up living in Brady’s basement Paraphrase Brady’s explanation about butterfly gardens. Summarize Brady’s conversation with him mom on pages 90 – 91.

PLOT NOTES CHARACTER QUOTES & CONFLICT NOTES Chapter 13 Summarize pages 93 & 94. Gina DiAngelo : her quote that echoes the idea that it is important that we let go of the past and move forward Paraphrase (include details in your own words) what Brady discovers on page 96. Paraphrase Brady’s memory on pages 97 & 98. Chapter 14 Paraphrase Brady’s conversation with Kate on page 100. J.T. Quotes 2 quotes that describe J.T. and his concern about his dad. Quote J.T.’s confession to Brady Quote J.T.’s reaction to the idea that Brady might say something in front of Kate. Paraphrase pages 102 & 103. Summarize the conversation between Brady and J.T. on pages 104 & 105 Describe J.T. Does he seem like the same “easy going” kid from Chapter 2? How has he changed? Why do you think he has changed? CONFLICT NOTES summarize the primary conflict found in this chapter. Include quotes that support your conflict claims. Explain why you think J.T. doesn’t want Brady to talk to Digger without him. Chapter 15 J.T. Quotes evidence that show J.T.’s relationship with Digger. Digger - QUOTED EVIDENCE OF Digger’s relationship with Hank. ..of how Digger pushes J.T. around. ..of Digger’s refusal to take responsibility for Ben’s death. of the argument Digger gives Brady for not telling anyone. Paraphrase the relationship between Digger and his brother Hank Paraphrase Brady and Digger’s conversation on 107 & 108. Summarize Brady’s movements on 108 & 109. Paraphrase Digger’s threats on 110. Paraphrase the day Digger tried to get the other 2 boys to smoke on pages 111 to 113. CONFLICT NOTES summarize the primary conflict found in this chapter. Include quotes that support your conflict claims. Chapter 16 Paraphrase the two sides of the argument Brady is having with himself. Summarize the conversation between Brady and Gina DiAngelo on pages 119 & 120. Who will continue to be blamed for Ben’s death by Mr. & Mrs. DiAngelo if the secret is kept? Brady : last 2 sentences on the bottom of pg. 117. Gina DiAngelo: transcribe a quote that infers how she is doing. CONFLICT NOTES Summarize the conflict Brady struggles with on pages Then paraphrase the arguments for telling and the arguments against telling as he sees it.

PLOT NOTES CHARACTER QUOTES & CONFLICT NOTES Chapter 17 Paraphrase the conversation between Digger and Brady on pages Paraphrase Digger’s reaction to Brady’s statement about Hank and LeeAnn and forgetting on pgs Paraphrase Carl and Brady’s Conversation about Digger’s family as well as Brady’s thoughts on pgs Summarize the conversation between J.T. & Brady ( ). What 2 things does J.T. want from Brady? Brady…. Quote the two sentences by Brady about what he thinks the odds are that everyone will forget about Ben’s death if he keeps what he knows a secret. Digger: 2 or more quotes that make Digger a rounder character. CONFLICT NOTES : Summarize any changes in the conflicts/relationships between Brady & Digger, and Brady & J.T. Add quotes that support your summary. Quote proof of the Character vs self conflict that Brady feels. Chapter 18 In Chapter 18 Cummings is teaching us more about the three boys and their history, as well as their dreams. She is creating round characters. Summarize and or paraphrase the information or events that you think are important to the development of each character. Support the information you choose to write down with quotes. Chapter 19 Cummings uses Brady’s trip to his Aunt Janet’s to further explain how Amanda’s death has not been “forgotten” and how it still affects his family. In this way she provides a glimpse into the future of the DiAngelo family, proof that they won’t ever just forget what has happened that year. Paraphrase or summarize pages Provide supporting quotes from pages On Brady’s train trip back to Bailey’s Wharf ( ) Cummings further explores the conflicts Brady is facing as he thinks about his decision of whether or not to get rid of the drill and to develop the three boys through his memories Paraphrase or summarize the character, conflict development, found in the second half of the chapter. Provide supporting quotes from pages Chapter 20 Summarize the rising action in Chapter 20. Paraphrase WHY Brady decides to get rid of the drill. Provide the supporting quote that tells why Brady decides to get rid of the drill.


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