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Integrating the Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating the Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating the Standards
Day 3 Session 2 6-12 Mathematics Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Day 3: 10:15-10:45 Engaging Students in Meaningful Dialogue 10:45-11:15 CTE and the Integration of the Common Core State Standards 11:15-11:45 Integration Initiatives 11:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15-2:00 Geometry Professional Development Series for Teachers 2:00 -2:45 CTE Integrated Model Lesson 2:45-3:15 The Blended Curriculum Integrating the Standards Session 2 6-12 Mathematics

2 WELCOME to Day 3 Introductions Agenda June Campbell ORTTTA
Nancy Kinard Palm Beach Michael Chase Kim Wuellner St. Johns Amy Coltharp FEP Martha Gioielli DA Engaging Students in Meaningful Dialogue Amy Coltharp CTE and the Integration of the Common Core State Standards Jodi Tillman Integration Initiatives Stu Greenberg Geometry Professional Development Series for Teachers Janet Andreasen CTE Integrated Model Lesson Michael Chase and Marianne Blair The Blended Curriculum Facilitator Directions Welcome the participants back for another day of exploring the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Introduce the presenters and facilitators. Review the Agenda for today’s session displayed on the PPT. Presenter June Campbell, Mathematics Content Specialist – Office of Race to the Top Assessments Facilitators Nancy Kinard Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale Michael Chase Palm Beach Orlando Panama City Amy Coltharp Orlando Fort Lauderdale Panama City Martha Gioielli Palm Beach Orlando Fort Lauderdale Panama City Kim Wuellner Orlando

3 Engaging Students in Meaningful Dialogue
Facilitator Directions – Integrate Say: Please welcome are presenter from Bureau of Federal Educational Programs who will be sharing strategies for engaging students in meaningful dialogue. Engaging Students in Meaningful Dialogue

4 CTE Collegial Learning: The Intersection of Education
Facilitator Directions Say: Please welcome Mr. Rod Duckworth, Chancellor Career and Adult Education Florida Department of Education Say: Please welcome Jodi Tillman, Career Technical Education Specialist for the Florida Department of Education CTE Collegial Learning: The Intersection of Education

5 Mathematics Shifts and Integration of Initiatives
Handout Facilitator Directions – integInit Say: Please welcome Mr. Stu Greenberg who will be discussing Common Core Integrating Initiatives. Mathematics Shifts and Integration of Initiatives

6 Geometry PD Series for Teachers
Presenter Directions Say: Please welcome Dr. Janet Andreasen from the University of Central Florida who will tell you about the Geometry Professional Development for Teachers that is making a difference for many teachers. Dr. Erhan Haciomeroglu Palm Beach Panama City Tahana Howse Palm Beach Geometry PD Series for Teachers

7 CTE Integrated Model Lesson
Facilitator Directions Say: Please welcome Michael Chase – Math Teacher, Deltona High School, Volusia County and Marianne Blair – Finance Teacher, Pine Ridge High School , Volusia County Ft Lauderdale Say: Please welcome Fred Urquhart – Robotics Teacher, University High School, Volusia County and Vera (Niki) Obaido – Math Teacher - University High School, Volusia County CTE Integrated Model Lesson

8 Presenter Directions Say: Blended Curriculum

9 Florida’s Common Core State Standards Implementation Timeline
Year/Grade Level K 1 2 3-8 9-12 FL L F L CCSS fully implemented B L CCSS fully implemented and assessed Presenter Directions Say: Full implementation of CCSS began with Kindergarten in Say: It is essential that complex, rich, informational text become an integral part of instruction for reading and writing beginning with Kindergarten; informational text should include topics related to History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects at every grade level. Say: will be our year of transition for grades 3 through 12. Instruction should be blended (a combination of the CCSS and NGSSS) as appropriate to ensure there are no gaps in presentation of the content. F - full implementation of CCSS for all content areas L – begin full implementation of content area literacy standards including: (1) use of informational text, text complexity, quality and range in all grades (K-12), and (2) CCSS Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (6-12) B - blended instruction of CCSS with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS); last year of NGSSS assessed on FCAT 2.0 9

10 Reflective Thoughts Handout How will you help teachers make the shifts to the Common Core State Standards as described in the Integrating Initiative presentation? 1 What steps will you take to assist teachers in engaging students in their instruction to make mathematics meaningful for all students? 2 Presenter Directions Say: This session was designed to provide you with information regarding integrating the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Say: As we bring this session to a close, please take a few minutes to reflect on what you have heard and how this information can be used when planning your schools steps for helping teachers embrace the call for new ways of teaching and the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Read each of the Reflective Thoughts aloud. THANK the participants for taking time to attend the Summer Institute…. 3 What do you perceive as benefits for integrating the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics across content areas?

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