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Introduction- The Airplane

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1 Introduction- The Airplane
O/Cdt Darcel


3 Outline ref pg: 9 - 12 Aircraft Components The Fuselage The Wing
The Tail Section (Empennage) Propulsion System

4 1. The Fuselage Two Main Types: Monocoque
Main Structural Members: Formers/Bulkheads Stringers connect the bulkheads Bulkheads bear most of the loads A “stressed-skin” structure; the skin bears some of the load NB: Many planes are “Semi-Monocoque”; a plane is only perfect Monocoque if the skin bears all the load

5 Truss Type Main Members: longerons Longerons held together by a truss
May be Warren or N-girder Covering is often aluminum or canvas; unimportant

6 2. The Wing Main Structural Members: Spars and Ribs
A wing may be monospar (less common) or multispar Spars resist twisting/torsion, and carry most of the load Compresssion struts connect the spars, and provide anti-torsion support Ribs give the airfoil its shape/camber, and provide attachment points for the skin False Ribs only run from front spar to leading edge of wing Primary support for the wing may come from the skin, the internal structure, or both. However, the load always passes from skin ->ribs ->spar-> fuselage Externally braced wings allow load to be transmitted through struts etc. to fuselage

7 Leading Edge: front Trailing Edge: Back Wing Root: Opposite the wing tip Planform: Shape as seen from above Wingspan: Distance, wingtip – wingtip Cantilever: Wing is not supported by external struts

8 3. The Empennage The tail section of the a/c
Includes horizontal and vertical stabilizers, as well as all asssct’d control sfc’s Stabilator is sometimes used as a replacement for the separate elevator/horizontal stab. System Trim Tabs function much like cruise control in a car. ie, they help “fix” a control surface in a certain position

9 3.1 The Canard Fulfills same function as empennage, but from the front of the a/c Resembles a horizontal stab assembly, sometimes tilted to allow for directional control (ie, rudder replacement)

10 4. Propulsion System Definitions:
Cowling is the actual covering of the engine. Serves to protect the engine, and reduce form drag Engine Mount is actual frame/structure that the engine is attached to Firewall separates the cockpit (you) from the engine. Only tiny holes for fuel and control lines/instruments. Oil is often stored ahead, while fuel is behind. Why?

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