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Welcome to Mrs. croft’s art room

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. croft’s art room"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. croft’s art room
Students are artists-the classroom is their studio Students are empowered to make their own choices about the art they make Teacher is the guide to help students discover their own personal style. Through short demos and skill building exercises, students develop their craft. Students choose which techniques to study more deeply while developing their artistic voice.

2 Art 1 Remind 101

3 Sign Into canvas Students will log in to Canvas with the same standard username and password that is used to sign in to the campus/district network. (Username is the 6 digit student ID) There is also a free app available for student use. When you download the app, simply search for Eagle Mountain Saginaw and select it when it appears. DO NOT GOOGLE SEARCH FOR CANVAS if you are using a laptop or desktop. You will need to go the following webpage to log in:  

4 Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Croft C102 Art I, Partners in Art, Art II Sculpture, Art III pre Ap 3d design, ap 3d design

5 Classroom rules Be respectful Be Responsible
Be Inquisitive and self motivated.

6 Be respectful looks like…
No inappropriate language or conversations. Listen to instructions the first time they are given. Take care of your classroom/studio and provided materials. Using technology (phones, tablet, laptops) only for educational purposes.

7 Be Responsible looks like…
Be in class on time and come with necessary materials. Get to work as soon as you arrive in the classroom. Follow classroom procedures.

8 Be Inquisitive and self motivated looks like…
Participate in classroom discussions and critiques. Ask relevant questions to deepen your understanding of the topic. Do all assignments to the best of your ability. Be invested in your own learning.

9 If you choose to break a rule
1X Reminder of the rules 2X Verbal Visual Warning 3x Parent Contact 4X Written Referral Severe disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office.

10 Privileges for following the rules
Freedom to choose your own seat Freedom to talk while working Freedom to listen to music Freedom of more materials being availiable

11 If listening to music with your phone/ipod
you must make a playlist that can play for the whole period. If you are changing the music during the class period, you will lose the privilege. You must also wear headphones and listen to your music at a volume so that others cannot hear what you are listening to.

12 Day 3

13 Classroom procedures

14 When you arrive to class
Check the board and complete “do now”. Take out necessary materials Start working

15 If you are late If you have a pass bring it to the teacher so you attendance can be corrected and get working. If you don’t have a pass get working and you will have a tardy, if you are more than 10 minutes late it will be an unexcused absence.

16 When we have demos/critiques
When asked gather together quickly and quietly. Be sure to find a spot where you can see. Do not get behind someone taller than you. Bring a sketchbook and sharpened pencil while the presenter is speaking use a hand held sharpener (in kits) Raise your hand if you have relevant questions. Please do not inhibit learning by talking or moving around unnecessarily. Bathroom trips will have to wait until the end of the demo/critique.

17 When you receive handouts
Write your name and class period of the top of the paper. Handouts should be attached to your sketchbook Please help us reduce waste by keeping up with your papers. Copies are available on CANVAS and teacher website.

18 When you Need a Hall pass
Ask permission, only one person at time. Using the dry erase marker write your name and where you are going on the board next to the door. Take the pass Do not ask on a regular basis. Participating in studio is a major part of your grade.

19 If you are absent Find out from a classmate what you missed
Check CANVAS and Teacher webpage Get hand outs from designated area.

20 5 minutes before the end of class
Alarm will sound Clean up any supplies. One person from every table will wipe down the table, this will rotate daily. If you are not wiping down the table check centers to be sure they are neat and tidy or help others around the room. Return to your work table after you have finished and wait for the bell or the teacher for dismissal.

21 End of the period DO NOT STAND BY THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!
Push in chairs and be sure you have all of your stuff.

22 Grading is based off your artistic behavior
In this choice based class, students will make decisions about how best to demonstrate their understanding of concepts. The concepts you will be graded on are creation of original art, development of art making skills, communicate through their art work, take risks, collaborate and interact with other students, solve problems, reflect, gain a global awareness of art making, observe, plan and research. Art 1and Art 2 Six week grades are based on: 60% Major = process, participation, progress 40% Minor =technique, critique, artist research

23 Late Work This is district policy
On-level classes at the high school level : • An assignment may be turned in under the following guidelines: o 1 school day late – maximum score is 85 A 100 would record as an 85 (100 x .85) An 80 would record as a 68 (80 x .85) o 2 school days late – maximum score is 70 Revised August, 2016 Page 14 A 100 would record as a 70 (100 x .70) An 80 would record as a 56 (80 x .70) o 3 school days late – maximum score of 60 A 100 would record as an 60 (100 x .60) An 80 would record as a 48 (80 x .60) No late work accepted after 3 school business days and a zero is recorded in the grade book.

24 Additional Requirements
ALL students are required to create and maintain an e-portfolio on CANVAS which will include photos, research, technique sheets, reflections and artist statements. This is how I will assess your progress when giving grades.

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