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On the Computational Representation of Classical Logical Connectives

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Presentation on theme: "On the Computational Representation of Classical Logical Connectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 On the Computational Representation of Classical Logical Connectives
Jayshan Raghunandan and Alexander Summers Department of Computing Imperial College London Set context of work/intro

2 Introduction Curry-Howard Correspondence for Classical Logic
Originally: notice calculi have a correspondence Recently: design calculi to correspond to a logic “Inhabitation” of the proof rules Term assignments for Classical Sequent Calculi Different logical connectives may be chosen Implication is most common Conjunction, disjunction, negation How easy is it to add and remove connectives? Are there any which are not understood computationally? What we’re going to talk about the effect of different connectives on term calculi Write this at the end, when all other slides are done.#

3 Overview Sequent Calculi & Inhabitation Binary Boolean Connectives
E.g. the X calculus (van Bakel, Lengrand, Lescanne) Binary Boolean Connectives Identify related classes of connectives “Once you know one, you know them all..” ↔ is not well-known computationally Develop a term calculus based on ↔ What can be expressed computationally? What we’re going to talk about the effect of different connectives on term calculi Write this at the end, when all other slides are done.#

4 A Sequent Calculus for Implication
Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance

5 A Sequent Calculus for Implication
(Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance

6 A Sequent Calculus for Implication
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance

7 A Sequent Calculus for Implication
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ

8 A Sequent Calculus for Implication
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

9 Inhabitation P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ
(Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

10 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ
(Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

11 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

12 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) (cut) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

13 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) (cut) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

14 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) (cut) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

15 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) (cut) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

16 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) (cut) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

17 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS α, δ, … OUTPUTS P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A
Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

18 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

19 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

20 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

21 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

22 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

23 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

24 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

25 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

26 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (cut) Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

27 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

28 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

29 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

30 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

31 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

32 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

33 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→R) (→L) x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

34 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

35 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

36 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

37 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

38 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

39 Inhabitation x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER
(cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

40 Inhabitation (X Calculus)
x, y, … INPUTS P, Q, … TERMS α, δ, … OUTPUTS ^ BINDER (cut) P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:A, Γ ⊢ Δ Pα̂†x̂Q : . Γ ⊢ Δ (Ax) ‹x·α› : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:A, Δ (→R) P : . Γ, x:A ⊢ α:B , Δ x̂Pα̂·δ : . Γ ⊢ δ:A→B, Δ P : . Γ ⊢ Δ, α:A Q : . x:B, Γ ⊢ Δ Annotation process The X-calculus Curry howard correspondance (→L) Pα̂[z]x̂Q : . z:A→B, Γ ⊢ Δ

41 Sequent-style term calculi
Symmetry: outputs are treated as explicitly as inputs Basic building blocks: one input and one output In X, these are capsules, ‹x·α› Redexes are explicitly represented by cuts, Connect output of one term to input of another In X, these are written as Pα̂†x̂Q c.f. applicative style: redexes defined by pattern matching - Inputs and outputs

42 Sequent-style term calculi
Remaining syntax constructs come in pairs One describes the most general situation for using the other e.g. build functions and ‘function contexts’ In X: functions are built with exports: x̂Pα̂·δ ‘contexts’ are built with mediators: Pα̂[z]x̂Q For each logical connective, one pair is required Corresponds to left and right introduction rules Might not be obvious what the sequent rules for a particular connective is (tho it usu is)

43 Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective
Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

44 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

45 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

46 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

47 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

48 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ z ] x̂Q Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

49 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ z ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂·δ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

50 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ z ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂·δ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

51 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂·δ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

52 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂·δ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

53 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

54 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

55 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

56 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

57 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

58 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

59 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

60 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂ [ ] x̂Q ŷRγ̂ Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

61 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂†ŷRγ̂†x̂Q Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

62 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication We call this the principal logical rule for the connective (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂†ŷRγ̂†x̂Q Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

63 (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q)
Cut-Elimination Only one reduction rule is significant per connective Defines how the two syntactic constructs interact For example: implication We call this the principal logical rule for the connective Only rule which varies substantially for different connectives (ŷRγ̂·δ) δ̂†ẑ (Pα̂[z]x̂Q) Pα̂†ŷRγ̂†x̂Q Make terms appear one at a time Explain what the exp-med rule does when its onscreen Bracketing Once u know syntax and principal rule, you know EVERYTHING

64 Computational Representation of a Connective
To include a particular logical connective, we need: The sequent rules Corresponding term syntax Principal logical rule There are an infinite number of logical connectives! 22n connectives of arity n We limit our investigations to those of arity 2. Common choice in the literature Smallest arity which can express everything We can vary the primitive connectives in the underlying logic How can we ‘synthesise’ a corresponding term calculus?

65 Binary Logical Connectives
FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

66 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

67 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

68 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B A↑B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

69 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B A↑B A↓B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

70 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B A→B A↑B A↓B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

71 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B A→B A↑B A↓B A-B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

72 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

73 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

74 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram

75 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B

76 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B

77 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B

78 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A

79 Binary Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B

80 Relating Logical Connectives
Let ● and ○ be arbitrary binary connectives We use the following relations: Duality: ● is dual to ○ iff A●B ≡ ¬(¬A○¬B) Negation: ● is the negation of ○ iff A●B ≡ ¬(A○B) Reversal: ● is the reverse of ○ iff A●B ≡ B○A Flipping Inputs: ● is obtained from ○ by flipping an input iff either A●B ≡ ¬A○B or A●B ≡ A○¬B We write ≡ for logical equivalence

81 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B

82 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY

83 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY

84 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY

85 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY

86 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY

87 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

88 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

89 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

90 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

91 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

92 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION

93 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

94 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

95 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

96 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

97 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

98 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

99 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

100 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

101 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL

102 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

103 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

104 Relating Logical Connectives
A⋀B A⋁B B-A A→B A↑B A↓B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

105 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B A↔B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram A⊗B ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

106 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

107 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

108 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

109 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

110 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

111 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

112 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

113 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

114 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

115 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram ¬A ¬B DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

116 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID A ID B FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

117 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

118 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B B→A A-B ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

119 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B A-B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

120 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B A-B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

121 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A→B A-B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

122 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A-B A→B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

123 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A-B A→B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

124 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A-B A→B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

125 Relating Logical Connectives
B-A A-B A→B B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

126 Relating Logical Connectives
- - B→A ID FIXME: Draw all the arrows Can be simplified If we allow reversals, then can reduce the diagram DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

127 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION REVERSAL Reduce modulo REVERSAL

128 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

129 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

130 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

131 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

132 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

133 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

134 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

135 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

136 Relating Logical Connectives
- - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION

137 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

138 Relating Logical Connectives
- A → B ≡ ¬A ⋁ B ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

139 Relating Logical Connectives
- A → B ≡ ¬A ⋁ B A → B ≡ ¬(A ⋀ ¬B) ≡ A ↑ ¬B ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

140 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

141 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

142 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

143 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

144 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

145 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - Γ, A ⊢ Δ (¬R) Γ ⊢ ¬A, Δ ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

146 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - Γ, A ⊢ Δ (¬R) Γ ⊢ ¬A, Δ Γ ⊢ A, Δ ID (¬L) Γ, ¬A ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

147 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - Γ, A ⊢ Δ (¬R) Γ ⊢ ¬A, Δ d. x̂P.α Γ ⊢ A, Δ ID (¬L) Γ, ¬A ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

148 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - Γ, A ⊢ Δ (¬R) Γ ⊢ ¬A, Δ d. x̂P.α Γ ⊢ A, Δ ID (¬L) Γ, ¬A ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Pα ̂ DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

149 Relating Logical Connectives
All relationships involve negation - Γ, A ⊢ Δ (¬R) Γ ⊢ ¬A, Δ d. x̂P.α Γ ⊢ A, Δ ID (¬L) Γ, ¬A ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Pα ̂ Negation swaps inputs with outputs! DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

150 Relating Logical Connectives
- ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

151 Relating Logical Connectives

152 Relating Logical Connectives

153 Relating Logical Connectives

154 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

155 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

156 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

157 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

158 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

159 Relating Logical Connectives
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID AND SEQUENT RULES x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

160 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

161 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- (⋀R) Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (⋀L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

162 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

163 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

164 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

165 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

166 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

167 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

168 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

169 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋀B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

170 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

171 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

172 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (⋀L) ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

173 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

174 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷẑR (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

175 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

176 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

177 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ ID Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

178 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

179 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

180 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

181 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷẑR) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

182 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

183 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

184 Relating Logical Connectives
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

185 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

186 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

187 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

188 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

189 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

190 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) ID Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

191 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

192 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (Rπ̂σ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹âP, ĝQ›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

193 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

194 Relating Logical Connectives
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

195 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

196 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ, A ⊢ Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (↓R) Γ ⊢ A↓B, Δ d.‹âP, ĝQ›.μ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

197 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

198 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (↓L) ID Γ, A↓B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.Rπ̂σ̂.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

199 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

200 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (‹âP, ĝQ›.μ) μ̂†x̂ (x.Rπ̂σ̂) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

201 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS (Rπ̂†ĝQ)σ̂†âP

202 Relating Logical Connectives (Duality)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ (↑L) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

203 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ (↑L) Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

204 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ B, Δ (↑L) Γ, A↑B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

205 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ d.‹Pα̂, ẑQ›.μ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

206 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

207 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↑R) ID Γ ⊢ A↑B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷẑR.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

208 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷẑR.τ) τ̂†d ̂(d.‹Pα̂, Qγ̂›) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

209 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Qγ̂†ẑR)

210 Relating Logical Connectives (Flipping Inputs)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

211 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

212 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (→L) Γ, A→B ⊢ Δ Pα̂ [d] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

213 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (-L) Γ ⊢ A-B, Δ Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

214 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (-L) Γ ⊢ A-B, Δ Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (→R) ID Γ ⊢ A→B, Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x. ŷRγ̂.τ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

215 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (-L) Γ ⊢ A-B, Δ Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (-R) ID Γ, A-B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷRγ̂ (ŷRγ̂.τ) τ̂†d ̂(Pα̂ [d] ẑQ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

216 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (-L) Γ ⊢ A-B, Δ Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (-R) ID Γ, A-B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷRγ̂ (Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷRγ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

217 Relating Logical Connectives (Negation)
- Γ ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ Δ (-L) Γ ⊢ A-B, Δ Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (-R) ID Γ, A-B ⊢ Δ Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes x.ŷRγ̂ (Pα̂ [μ] ẑQ) μ̂†x̂ (x.ŷRγ) DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS Pα̂†ŷ(Rγ̂†ẑQ)

218 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

219 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

220 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

221 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

222 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

223 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” If all of the class is unknown? ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

224 Relating Logical Connectives
- Arrows define a “class” of related connectives Proof rules, syntax, reductions are similar for each “Once you know one, you know them all” Saves a lot of work Some are well-studied already Same results for other “classes” If all of the class is unknown? Work on one member (↔) ID Reduce to smaller diagram Introduce the notion of `pairing’ connective, and point out they are all related + essentially the same We know syntax for implication, by following arrows, we can get the syntax n rules for other connectives within each block On rhs – highlight bits of diagram while we cycle through the nodes DUALITY NEGATION FLIPPING INPUTS

225 Interpreting ↔ Say what it is, as a connective
XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

226 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

227 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know A ↔ B ≡ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

228 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. A ↔ B ≡ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

229 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. A ↔ B ≡ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

230 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

231 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

232 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

233 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

234 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

235 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

236 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

237 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

238 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

239 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

240 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

241 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

242 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

243 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

244 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

245 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

246 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

247 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

248 Interpreting ↔ (proof rules)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

249 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

250 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

251 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

252 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Note similarities with implication Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

253 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Note similarities with implication Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

254 Interpreting ↔ (syntax)
Find an equivalent formula, in terms of connectives we know Consider a “general” derivation of this formula on the left of a sequent.. Derive a suitable left introduction rule.. Similarly, for right introduction Inhabit with syntax, as usual Note similarities with implication Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ (↔L) Γ, A↔B ⊢ Δ [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ (↔R) Γ ⊢ A↔B, Δ

255 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

256 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

257 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

258 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

259 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

260 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

261 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

262 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

263 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

264 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

265 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

266 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

267 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

268 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ M N Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋁R) Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ (¬L) (⋀L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁L) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

269 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ P Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ Q M (Ax) Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋁L) N Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀R) (⋁R) Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ (¬R) (¬L) (⋀L) Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ (⋁R) (⋁L) Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

270 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) P Q M N Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

271 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) P Q M N Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

272 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… We get two possible reducts: ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ P Q M N Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

273 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… We get two possible reducts: ((Mμ̂†x̂P)σ̂†û‹u.α›)α̂†ĵ (((Mσ̂†ẑQ)μ̂†ŵ̂‹w.δ›)δ̂†îN) ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ P Q M N Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

274 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… We get two possible reducts: ((Mμ̂†x̂P)σ̂†û‹u.α›)α̂†ĵ (((Mσ̂†ẑQ)μ̂†ŵ̂‹w.δ›)δ̂†îN) or (Mσ̂†ẑ(‹z.τ›τ̂†ĵ(Qδ̂†îN)))μ̂†x̂(‹x.π›π̂†î(Pα̂†ĵN)) ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ P Q M N Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

275 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… We get two possible reducts: ((Mμ̂†x̂P)σ̂†û‹u.α›)α̂†ĵ (((Mσ̂†ẑQ)μ̂†ŵ̂‹w.δ›)δ̂†îN) or (Mσ̂†ẑ(‹z.τ›τ̂†ĵ(Qδ̂†îN)))μ̂†x̂(‹x.π›π̂†î(Pα̂†ĵN)) ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ P Q M N Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

276 Interpreting ↔ (reduction rule)
What is a suitable reduction rule? Go back to the derivations.. Apply cut elimination for this derivation… We get two possible reducts: ((Mμ̂†x̂P)σ̂†û‹u.α›)α̂†ĵ (((Mσ̂†ẑQ)μ̂†ŵ̂‹w.δ›)δ̂†îN) or (Mσ̂†ẑ(‹z.τ›τ̂†ĵ(Qδ̂†îN)))μ̂†x̂(‹x.π›π̂†î(Pα̂†ĵN)) ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ) (Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) γ̂†ẑ Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B), A⋀B, Δ Γ, B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, A ⊢ A, Δ P Q M N Γ ⊢ ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B), Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A⋀B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A⋁B ⊢ A, Δ Γ, B ⊢ B, Δ Γ, A ⊢ B, Δ (Ax) (⋁L) (⋀R) (¬R) (⋁R) Γ, ¬(A⋁B)⋁(A⋀B) ⊢ Δ Γ, ¬(A⋁B) ⊢ Δ Γ, A⋀B ⊢ Δ Γ, A, B ⊢ Δ Γ ⊢ A⋁B, Δ Γ ⊢ A, B, Δ (⋀L) (¬L) Γ ⊢ Δ (cut) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

277 Interpreting ↔ (reduct diagrams)
Paths from each output of M to each input of N This is a requirement in the general case N M μ σ α̂†j ̂ δ̂†i ̂ σ̂†ẑ μ̂†ŵ μ̂†x̂ σ̂†k̂ ‹k·α› ‹w·δ› i j Q z δ P x α Discuss what happens: each output of M is connected to each input of N. To do this, two copies of one or other are made. Etc. etc.

278 Interpreting ↔ (reduct diagrams)
Copying is undesirable Can we find a ‘better’ reduction rule? α̂†j ̂ π̂†i ̂ σ̂†ẑ μ̂†x̂ ‹x·π› M σ μ N i j Q z δ P x α δ̂†i ̂ ‹z·τ› τ̂†j ̂ Discuss what happens: each output of M is connected to each input of N. To do this, two copies of one or other are made. Etc. etc.

279 Interpreting ↔ (connection diagrams)
Abstract diagrams showing just the paths For these paths, crossings are necessary Too many connections to just M (or N) Idea: Share the connections more evenly… P P x α x α μ j M N μ j M N σ i σ i z Q δ Q z δ This is a simplified version of the previous one. We spot a different way we could connect them, that requires fewer ‘crossings’. Turns out we can achieve it.

280 Interpreting ↔ (connection diagrams)
Idea: Share the connections more evenly… We can now find reducts without copying P P x α x α μ j M μ j N M N σ i σ i z Q δ z Q δ This is a simplified version of the previous one. We spot a different way we could connect them, that requires fewer ‘crossings’. Turns out we can achieve it.

281 The X↔ calculus ‹x·α› Pα̂†x̂Q [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN
Calculus based only on the ↔ connective Syntax: ‹x·α› Pα̂†x̂Q [x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN Principal reduction rule: ([x̂Pα̂,ẑQδ̂]·γ)γ̂†ẑ(Mμ̂σ̂[z]îĵN) → ((Mμ̂†x̂P)σ̂†û‹u.α›)α̂†ẑ(‹z.π›π̂†ĵ(Qδ̂†îN)) or ((Mσ̂†ẑQ)μ̂†û‹u.δ›)δ̂†x̂(‹x.π›π̂†î(Pα̂†ĵN)) Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

282 Computational expressivity
The ↔ connective cannot logically express much. Only the connectives ⊤ and ID Surprisingly, the X ↔ calculus can simulate the reductions of the X calculus. We say ↔ can computationally express → ↔ can computationally express →, ⋀, ↑, ¬, ⊤, ID Similarly, ⊗ can logically express only ⊥ and ID But ⊗ can computationally express −, ⋁, ↓, ¬, ⊥, ID Computational expressivity ⊃ logical expressivity Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

283 Future work What does ↔ express in itself?
We know it has powerful simulation properties Further investigation in terms of “moving connectors” e.g. a derived calculus contains non-terminating terms if and only if it contains a connective which swaps an input for an output. Formalisation of results Some simulation results hold only up to permutations of proof structure. To make these formal, we might want proof nets. Say what it is, as a connective XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

284 The End Thank you for listening! Say what it is, as a connective
XOR is closely-related (if we know one, we know the other) Derive sequent calculus rules Derive syntax Derive cut-elimination rule This gives the copying solution

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