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Обобщающие лексические и грамматические задания по теме «FOOD»

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Presentation on theme: "Обобщающие лексические и грамматические задания по теме «FOOD»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Обобщающие лексические и грамматические задания по теме «FOOD»
Григорьева Инна Алексеевна учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 124 Выборгского района

2 Turtle Tortilla promises Buratino to give him and Malvina a gold key if they do several tasks.
Help them to get the key!

3 Colour according to the numbers
The table of contents Pass a labyrinth Find missing letters Colour according to the numbers Riddles Much or many? Find 7 differences

4 Find 7 differences

5 1 V E G E T A B L E 2 P O R R I D G E 3 H U N G R Y 4 F R U I T 5 M E
Find missing letters 1 V E G E T A B L E 2 P O R R I D G E 3 H U N G R Y 4 F R U I T 5 M E A T

6 Pass the labyrinth

7 Solve the riddle Monkeys eat me, kids do too.  Gorillas love me, how about you?  It’s fun to tug my yellow peel,  my creamy insides to reveal. 

8 Solve the riddle I can be red and yellow. I also can be green. I may be the home of a hungry worm, so make sure I am clean.

9 Colour fruits according to the numbers and name them

10 Much or Many ? orange milk bananas apple lemon water a glass of milk
a slice of cheese hamburger cheese

11 You’ve done a good job. Thank you for your help
You’ve done a good job! Thank you for your help! Now you can take the key.

12 Bye!

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