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Understanding Self/Other

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1 Understanding Self/Other
Exclusion New Discourses of Inclusion of the Other: the Indigene.

2 What is the hierarchical structure of binaries?
The hierarchical structure of binaries is the includes the binaries of: Self / Other, I / you, Us / them White / Black Man / Woman Subject / Object Victimizer / Victim Presence / Absence Dominance/ Submission Superior / Inferior Desire/ fear

3 Self/Other This binary structure is limiting and alienating for not only the Other but the Self as well. It positions both Self and Other within relationships of power, in dominance–submission patterns.

4 Self and Other trapped…
The play between white and indigene is a replica of the black and white squares on the chess board, with clearly limited oppositional moves. The indigene is a semiotic pawn on a chess board under the control of the white sign maker. Terry Goldie(1989) ‘The Representation of the Indigene’ The Postcolonial Studies Reader eds. Bill Ashcroft et al.

5 The Early Settler’s Conflict Am I the Self or the Other?
The white Australian looks at the Aborigine. The Aborigine is Other and therefore, alien. But the Aborigine is indigenous and therefore cannot be alien. So the Australian must be alien. But how can the Australian be alien within Australia? Terry Goldie(1989) The Representation of the Indigene The Postcolonial Studies Reader eds. Bill Ashcroft et al.

6 The Early Settler’s Resolution of Conflict – Your story?
The Other must be: pushed into the realms of absence to affirm the presence of the Self. rendered invisible to assure visibility of the Self accommodated or incorporated in the margins, superficially to allow the Self to rule at the centre.

7 The Other’s Story – Your story
Your story became: The distribution of limiting and conventional representations of the Other as Savage. E.g. painted faces. The display of artefacts The naming of places with native names like Turra murra, Jindabyne. The staging of cultural art and dance.

8 My Story? My Self? My story begins with the Indigene rewriting my identity and my history in my voice. "...the writing of our stories, our biographies and our autobiographies are our documentation of our histories and stories...for too long we have had other people defining and telling us who we are” Ruby Langford Ginibi in Dhuuluu Yala

9 Your story is our story Our story can only written if both the Self and the Other are freed from this limiting, oppressive binary structure and embraced not feared.

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