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Unit 11: House Project G.1A, G.1B, G.1C, G.D, G.1E, G.1F, G.1G, G.2C, G.6D, G.7A, G.9B, G.10B, G.11B, G.11C, G.11D.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11: House Project G.1A, G.1B, G.1C, G.D, G.1E, G.1F, G.1G, G.2C, G.6D, G.7A, G.9B, G.10B, G.11B, G.11C, G.11D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 11: House Project G.1A, G.1B, G.1C, G.D, G.1E, G.1F, G.1G, G.2C, G.6D, G.7A, G.9B, G.10B, G.11B, G.11C, G.11D

2 Points will be deducted for late work!!
Due Dates Points will be deducted for late work!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! 5/5 Thursday: Draft of Floor Plan 5/10 Tuesday: Final version of floor plan on graph paper. (Quiz Grade) 5/12 Thursday: Calculation of Square Footage 5/18 Wednesday: Pricing for Materials and Putting It All Together 5/20 Friday: Final Project Due (Test Grade)

3 Agreement By signing below, I acknowledge that:
This project is MANDATORY! I will receive a daily grade of either 100 or 0 for every day that we work on this project determined by my work ethic that day. There are 5 specific assignments that are due on specific dates and late papers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! I will take a 0 for any assignment that I do not turn in on time. If I am scheduled to be absent (even UIL related) on the day an assignment is due, I need to turn that assignment in BEFORE the scheduled date. (Illness or unplanned absences are exceptions) The final project is due on FRIDAY, MAY 20 at the END OF MY CLASS PERIOD. If I do not turn it in at this time, I will take a major grade 0!!


5 Rough Draft THURSDAY, MAY 5

6 Floor Plan TUESDAY, MAY 10 This is a quiz grade!!



9 Rubric

10 Example Project

11 Rough Draft

12 Floor Plan Also notice: Points would be taken off because my house is too close to the property lines! Notice: My floor plan and my rough draft are slightly different… small changes can be made if needed.

13 Calculations

14 Pricing for Materials & Putting It All Together

15 Final Project

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