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Nicole Kempson Multimedia and Web Design Dr. Grove Emerging Technology

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1 Nicole Kempson Multimedia and Web Design Dr. Grove Emerging Technology
GradeCam Nicole Kempson Multimedia and Web Design Dr. Grove Emerging Technology

2 What is GradeCam? GradeCam is a system that allows teachers to instantly grade multiple choice assessments Print and create forms on copy paper Uses a document or web cam to capture student answers Students will instantly know their grades Grades can be added to the gradebook by copying/pasting using F function keys

3 Why GradeCam?

4 GradeCam and Data Everything in school now is data driven, educators should be able to drive their lessons and remediation from what their students know and can show.

5 The National Education Technology Plan 2010
The plan recognizes that technology is at the core of virtually every aspect of our daily lives and work, and we must leverage it to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences and content, as well as resources and assessments that measure student achievement in more complete, authentic, and meaningful ways. Technology-based learning and assessment systems will be pivotal in improving student learning and generating data that can be used to continuously improve the education system at all levels. Technology will help us execute collaborative teaching strategies combined with professional learning that better prepare and enhance educators’ 8 Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology - Executive Summary competencies and expertise over the course of their careers

6 Cobb County Technology Mission
Technology, as an integral part of curriculum, instruction, assessment and learning, prepares students to succeed in a global community. Our students will be equipped with twenty-first century technology skills to demonstrate, apply and communicate their learning. College and career ready graduates must have these skills.

7 LSGA Technology & Students
Mission: Fostering Relationships while Developing Rigor and Relevance. Vision: Igniting a Passion to Succeed Beliefs: The faculty and staff members of Lindley 6th Grade Academy are specifically prepared and committed to teaching this age level and will: Utilize accountability and evaluation strategies that promote quality student learning and inform instructional practices. Make instructional decisions based on data that goes beyond single test results.

8 LSGA and DATA GradeCam will support the school’s belief in making sure that the instructional decisions based on data will go beyond single test results. This system will drive your instruction based on what your students know and don’t know. It provides reports for teacher analysis.

9 Objectives To share assessments with other educators
Link questions to state standards and generate standards-based reports Give students immediate feedback Transfer scores into any electronic gradebook

10 Equipment and Software
GradeCam must be enabled for your district and school GradeCam plugin Webcams can be used You may also use the following camera brands AVer ELMO Epson GradeCam SMART

11 Technical Support GradeCam offiers beginner and advanced training tutorials Video tutorials Resources Tips & tricks Known issues Previous Articles on GradeCam Insight

12 Technical Support Community questions Toll free 800 number
support Submit request through websites

13 Target Population This will work in any classroom that has access to a camera and computer and all grades that are able to take multiple choice assessments.

14 Limitations If you are unsure on how to create level 2 -4 questions to show depth of knowledge this can be challenging Can only be used with a camera set up If copier/printer is running low on ink it can be hard to scan because the camera can’t read it If the student ID is not correct it won’t read the test

15 Cost Insight Basic gives 10 questions for free
Insight Plus gives you 100 questions for $15/mo per teacher 60 days free trail with this package Insight School/District gives you 100 questions for $2.50/yr per student 60 days free tail with this package

16 Funding Sources Title I
Setting up your school to be a foundation in order to receive donations Publix and Kroger donations through their partnership cards Box Tops Raise money with themes i.e. hat day, crazy socks, etc. Write a technology grant

17 Classroom Use This can be used to measure the student’s knowledge on content standards and student technology standards It promotes learning because they are able to receive immediate feedback, questions can be made to promote higher order thinking/reasoning skills You can use variations in questions on the same content to scaffold for other students. Scores are instant Grades can be placed immediately in the gradebook

18 Research Available There is not much research out on this system since it is fairly new. Engaging technologies was started for and by teachers and they speak briefly on this as a resource

19 Research Available offers pros and cons of using the service back in Edtechrising talks about how polished and easy to use this system is

20 Research Available The Journal states it allows for a cost saving, and used to gather data and store it automatically

21 Implementation All educators will have a PD session on what GradeCam is and how to use it. All educators will have their cameras and laptops set up to grade. The student’s will be uploaded to each teacher so they won’t have to add them manually.

22 Reflection Using this service has been a great help, I can assess my students at any given time and it helps me see what don’t understand right away. I have been able to give my student’s their grades right away and the feedback helps them. I can attach my questions to the standards and analyze whether there is a trend in the questions that are wrong or if it is the individual.

23 Works Cited Nagel, D. (2009, May 21). GradeCam Converts Cameras into Test Scanners -- THE Journal. Retrieved April 8, 2015, from Has anyone tried GradeCam? (2009, September 6). Retrieved April 8, 2015, from Transforming American Education Learning Powered by Technology. (2010). National Education Technology Plan 2010, 7-7. Retrieved April 8, 2015, from

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