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Unit 1 (Part 1) Assessment Review

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1 Unit 1 (Part 1) Assessment Review

2 A Wrinkle in Time (Opening Scene)
What is the point of view in the first Wrinkle in Time excerpt? What is the effect of this point of view? What is accomplished?

3 Explain the impact of L’Engle’s use of imagery in the opening scene of A Wrinkle in Time.
You must provide textual evidence with your answer.

4 Prepositional Phrases
Define a prepositional phrase. What is their purpose in writing? If removed from a text can it change the meaning of the text?

5 Describe Meg’s final stage in her journey (ie - steps).
Use textual evidence to support each step in her journey.

6 Mood Reread the first page of The Drummer Boy of Shiloh and then read paragraph 46. What words would you use to describe the shift in mood? Be prepared to provide textual evidence to support your answer.

7 Life Lesson/Theme When writing thematic sentences what is important to remember to NOT do. Write a proper thematic sentence for The Drummer Boy of Shiloh. Rewrite that sentence into an incorrect way say that theme.

8 Conflict What is Joby’s conflict in, The Drummer Boy of Shiloh?
What type of conflict is it? What step in his journey does this characterize?

9 Drummer Boy of Shiloh How would you describe the general’s discussion with Joby? What was the general’s purpose in talking to him?

10 Drummer Boy of Shiloh Describe the setting/exposition of The Drummer Boy of Shiloh? Use exact quotes to better help your description.

11 Drummer Boy of Shiloh How does Ray Bradbury first reveal that the man Joby is talking to is in fact the general?

12 Pacing Discuss the pacing in the following texts:
The Drummer Boy of Shiloh A Wrinkle in Time (The Return)

13 Drummer Boy of Shiloh What is important to know about Joby joining the army? HOW do you know this? TEXTUAL EVIDENCE

14 Can you organize all the Hero’s Journey steps correctly into their stages?
The Departure The Initiation The Return

15 Plot & Hero’s Journey Label a plot diagram with the hero’s journey steps and plot terms.

16 The Odyssey Does Polyphemus, the cyclops, fear the gods?
How do you know this? Use the text!!!

17 Odyssey Why didn’t Odysseus and his men kill the cyclops?

18 Odysseus List out Odysseus’ 3 best traits and at least 1 piece of textual evidence to support each.

19 Exposition in The Odyssey
Describe the exposition of The Odyssey. What evidence foreshadows conflict?

20 Visual Techniques Describe the following terms and what intended effect they can have on an image. High Angle Objective Pt. of View Low Angle Subjective Pt. of View Long Shot (Framing) Medium Shot (Framing) Close Up & Extreme Close Up (Framing) High Key Lighting Low Key Lighting

21 Visual Techniques What is purpose of visual techniques?

22 Writer’s Craft: Writing Groups
What is the purpose of writing groups? Use your book. What might NOT be the purpose?

23 Narrative Techniques List out the 4 most important narrative techniques you learned in this unit and what effects they have on a narrative.

24 Revising: What is different? Effect?
Rough Draft This past weekend I had the time of my life. First, Friday night, I had my best friend over and we made a delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had a friendly video game competition. On Saturday, my dad took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Revised Draft This past weekend I had the time of my life. First, early Friday evening, my best friend Myles came over. We made a sizzling, cheesy, mouth-watering pizza. The kind of pizza worthy for Instagram. Unfortunately, the greazy, pepperoni and bubbling crust looked so delicious we ate it too quickly and it burned the roof of our mouths. No matter, we laughed it off during the maddening, yet riotous fury of our ‘friendly’ Madden 2015 tournament. “You suck brah! Who taught you to play - your mom?!” Laughed Myles. “Watch it! My mom’s actually pretty good at this game!” I retorted. We both just busted out laughing so hard we couldn’t stop, tears rolling down our cheeks, stomachs aching in laughter.

25 Feedback “I like your use of imagery.” Is this good feedback? Why?
“You don’t use dialogue.”

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