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SLR-17-08 Amendments (new series and supplements) and corrigenda applying only to some devices within the new simplified UN Regulations. How markings.

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Presentation on theme: "SLR-17-08 Amendments (new series and supplements) and corrigenda applying only to some devices within the new simplified UN Regulations. How markings."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLR-17-08 Amendments (new series and supplements) and corrigenda applying only to some devices within the new simplified UN Regulations. How markings would work? - Discussion document - SLR-17 Tokyo, 16 May 2017

2 Esample on the basis of 4 «devices»
Heart Club Spade Diamond

3 New Regulation enters into force
All devices apply to the 00 series of amendments

4 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond Club Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

5 New supplement 1 to serie 00 of amendments
All «devices» formally fulfill the provisions of the Supplement 1 to the 00 series of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

6 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond Club Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

7 New series of amendments applying to “Diamond” only
Diamond markings shall indicate 01 series of amendments but all the other «devices» may still indicate 00 series because no change has been made. All «devices» fulfill the provisions of the 01 series of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

8 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond 01 Club Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

9 Suppl. 01 to 01 Series and Corr. 01 to 01 series of amendments
All «devices» fulfill the provisions of the 01 series of amendments including Suppl. 1 and Corr. 1 to series 01 of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

10 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond 01 Club Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

11 New series of amendments applying to “Club” and “Spade”
Club and Spade markings shall indicate 02 series of amendments (01 series will be skipped) but all the other «devices» may still indicate their own series (i.e. Diamond 01, Heart 00) because no change has been made. All «devices» fulfill the provisions of the 02 series of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

12 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond 01 Club 02 Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

13 Corr. to previous series of amendments
The same corrigendum (or supplement) shall be repeated for all subsequent series of emendments. Club and Spade markings shall indicate 02 series of amendments but all the other ”devices” may still indicate their own series (i.e. Diamond 01, Heart 00) because no change has been made. All ”devices” fulfill the provisions of the 02 series of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

14 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 00 Diamond 01 Club 02 Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

15 New series of amendments applying to “Heart” and “Spade”
Heart and Spade markings shall indicate 03 series of amendments but all the other “devices” may still indicate their own series (i.e. Diamond 01, Club 02) because no change has been made. All “devices” fulfill the provisions of the 03 series of amendments. A table at the beginning of the Regulation will indicate for each device the corresponding minimum series of amendment for marking purposes.

16 Lamp Series of amendments
Minimum level of series of amendments applicable to a lamp Lamp Series of amendments Heart 03 Diamond 01 Club 02 Spade Table currently in GRE-77-05, Par  Will be moved at the start of the document!

17 Some considerations Only the latest series of amendments shall be made available Transitional Provisions will clearly indicate that a new series does not apply to certain devices A clear table indicating the minimum level of series of amendments to be used for marking purposes will be provided at the start of each new simplified UN Regulation

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