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Unit 2 Multicellular Organisms Cells, Tissues and Organs

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1 Unit 2 Multicellular Organisms Cells, Tissues and Organs
National 5 Biology Key Area 1: Cells, Tissues and Organs National 4 Biology Key Area 5: Growth and development of different organisms

2 By the end of the lesson you will be able to …..
National 4 & 5 outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to ….. Describe the different levels of organisation found in a multi-cellular organism. State that multi-cellular organisms have more than one cell type and are made up of tissues and organs. Give examples of specialised cells in animals and plants.

3 Cells, tissues and organs
Living things are made up of organized systems too. Each specific cell is grouped with other cells similar in structure and function to form tissues and ultimately organs. Cells are the basic units of life. Groups of cells work together to form tissues. Groups of tissues work together to form organs. cell tissue organ

4 Levels of Organisation
Cells are the simplest ___ of life. ______ -> ______ -> ______ -> ______ -> ______ Multicellular organisms are made of _____ cells. ___________ cells are cells that perform a specific function in the organism, e.g. a red blood cell transports oxygen. unit Organ Systems Cell Tissue Organ Organism many Specialised The difference between cells, tissues and organs

5 Function To transport oxygen Specialisation · Large surface area for oxygen transport · Biconcave shape · Chemical (Haemoglobin) which binds with oxygen

6 Connections at each end Can carry electrical signals
Function To carry nerve impulses to different parts of the body Specialisation   Long Connections at each end Can carry electrical signals

7 Function To provide nourishment for the embryo before implantation in the womb Specialisation   Large Cytoplasm contains nutrient and energy rich yolk which will nourish the embryo before implantation

8 · Head contains chemicals to help penetrate the female egg
Function To reach the female egg and fertilise it Specialisation · Long tail for swimming · Head contains chemicals to help penetrate the female egg

9 · Large surface area for absorption
Function Absorbing water and minerals from the soil Specialisation · Large surface area for absorption · Thin cell wall for minerals to pass through

10 Many chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll, for photosynthesis)
Function To absorb sunlight (needed for photosynthesis) Specialisation Large surface area Many chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll, for photosynthesis)

11 Phloem Tissue (made up of sieve tubes and companion cells)
Function Transports sugar around a plant Specialisation End walls have holes to allow sugar to be transported to next cell Companion cell with large nucleus to control the cell. end walls perforated/ with holes to allow sugar to be transported to next cell companion cell with large nucleus to control both types of phloem cells Companion cell Sieve tube End wall of sieve tube perforated

12 Xylem Vessel Hollow tube Wall strengthen by lignin
Function Support Water transport up the plant Specialisation Hollow tube  Wall strengthen by lignin  Lignin deposited as rings or spirals allowing expansion and contraction Hollow tube Wall strengthen by lignin Lignin deposited as rings or spirals allowing expansion and contraction Lignin deposits

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