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Lesson Starter Describe, in detail, the inequalities that exist in education in the USA (4)

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1 Lesson Starter Describe, in detail, the inequalities that exist in education in the USA (4)

2 Today we will… Understand the reasons for social inequality with crime. Explain the reasons for these inequalities.

3 Success Criteria Watch a video clip and take notes on the reasons for inequality. List three important statistics that highlight inequality.

4 Crime and Justice in the USA
There is a clear link between prison population in the USA and ethnic groups This may be because the majority of crimes in the USA take place in poorer inner-city areas (ghettoes) which have higher levels of black and Hispanic inhabitants

5 Discrimination in the US Justice System?
It is alleged that minorities are discriminated against when it comes to justice. This is most obvious at the following times: On arrest When being tried in court In terms of length of prison sentence The use of the death penalty

6 Who is discriminated against?
Black and Hispanic prisoners are generally younger and are imprisoned at higher rates compared to white prisoners There are more African American males in prison in the USA than in college. More African American men are disenfranchised now than they were in 1872.

7 Who is discriminated against?
African Americans are also far more likely to be on death row Race Population % Black 1319 41.93% Hispanic 390 12.40% White 1358 43.17% Other 79 2.50%

8 Reasons for Inequality
You are going to watch some video clips about crime inequalities. As you watch, note down the reasons for these inequalities. Reasons Targeted by police- “stop and frisk” Petty drug crimes Prison system not focused on rehabilitation Education system Discrimination/Racism/Prejudice Availability of Guns

9 Inequality in the News There have been a number of stories in the news about young Black men being shot by the police. Mike Brown in Missouri is one high profile case. The officer in question was not indicted and this sparked various protests in the city.

10 Gun Ownership in the USA
The USA has the highest gun ownership in the world There are 89 guns for every 100 Americans (compared to just 4 per 100 in Scotland) In 2011, there were 8,583 murders using firearms In 2012, California had 1,790 gun murders

11 Gun Ownership in the USA
Most Americans who have guns do not break the law Many argue that the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to “bear arms” However, mass shootings regularly occur leading to calls for tighter gun control

12 Government Response Following the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, President Obama unveiled proposals to tackle gun violence “Our nation has suffered too much at the hands of dangerous people who use guns to commit horrific acts of violence. We won’t be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of us, to try (President Barack Obama)

13 Government Response Obama’s gun proposals: Tougher background checks
Ban on assault weapons Limit the number of rounds which can be fired from a single weapon Ban armour piercing bullets Prevent gun trafficking

14 The Sandy Hook Massacre
Friday 14th December 2012 Adam Lanza (aged 20) shot 27 people dead (20 children) using 3 guns Fired 154 rounds Committed suicide by shooting self in head

15 Recent Gun Crimes in the USA
Friday 1st October 2015 – Umpqua Community College, Roseberg, Oregon – 10 killed and 7 seriously injured. Monday 5th October 2015 – White Pine, Tennessee – 11year old boy shoots an 8 year old girl because she wouldn’t let him play with her puppies.

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