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Introducing Spectrum Liberalisation and Auction

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1 Introducing Spectrum Liberalisation and Auction
Regulator 1 Group Introducing Spectrum Liberalisation and Auction

2 Issues discussed a. What are the services allowed in the spectrum?
Frequency band is 700MHz (band no. 28). Services for the spectrum are primarily for 4G and LTE. PPDR should also be allowed in the band.

3 Issues cont. b. How should the band be allocated? (Method and why)
Allocation should be a market-based auction using the clock method and system should be blocks of 5MHz. Base price should not be too high or too low. Increments up to $10m and then the rate of increment would decrease. c. Should there be roll-out (coverage) obligations imposed on the successful licensees? Yes.

4 Issues cont. d. Term of the license? 15 years.
e. Any technical conditions? Conditions to manage interference in the bands, between the bands and with other bands? 5 MHz allocated for PPDR. For 4G and LTE you don’t a need guard band within the band. But you would need a guard band for MHz. 10MHz for guard band.

5 Issues cont. f. Should the licenses be tradable? If so, what are the conditions? License is tradable. Regulator to give consent before the spectrum is traded. Can only trade within the same service. Regulator reserves the right to revoke. How would interference be managed if the band changes after trading? Location, service, strong monitoring & co-ordination of operators. What responsibility should licensees in the bands have to manage interference and what responsibilities should remain with CommCo?

6 Issues cont. Licensees’ Responsibilities
Coordinate service deployment in tradable bands. Should have continuous monitoring of its network (QoS). Regulator’s Responsibilities Has the right of lawful interception. Regulator has the right to monitor the licensee’s network and revoke the licensee’s license independently and at any time.

7 Issues cont. g. Other specific license conditions including issues related to: License term/duration = 15 years but Regulator has the right to revoke the license in the event of a breach of a license condition. License changes including modification, restriction and closedown – Regulator reserves the right for any modification, restriction or closedown. Spectrum fees structure i.e. regular payments or pay as you go etc. – royalty fees.

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