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Precipitation Water falling back to Earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail.

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation Water falling back to Earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precipitation Water falling back to Earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail

2 Runoff Water flowing over the Earth’s surface

3 Infiltration Infiltration is the process by which water enters the soil from the ground surface. Will only happen if there is room available for additional water in the soil. If no room is available, then runoff occurs.

4 Percolation The movement of water through the soil

5 Humans affect the cycle…
Create dams and reservoirs for use, irrigation, electricity

6 Ground Water Where is it located? How does it get there?

7 Where is ground water located?
When precipitation hits the soil where does the water go? The water moves into the spaces between the particles of sand. Groundwater is stored in--and moves slowly through--layers of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers.

8 How does the water get into the soil?
Infiltration and Percolation

9 Porosity & Permeability
Porosity – percent of rock that contains pore spaces. Permeability – the measure of ability to transmit fluids.

10 Porosity and Permeability

11 Aquifers The area where water fills the aquifer is called the saturated zone. The top of this zone is called the water table.

12 The Water Table The water table may be located only a foot below the ground’s surface or it can sit hundreds of feet down.

13 How can ground water be used?
Water in aquifers is brought to the surface naturally through a spring or can be discharged into lakes and streams. Groundwater can also be extracted through a well drilled into the aquifer. Groundwater supplies are replenished, or recharged, by rain and snow melt.

14 Water Use How much water does it take to produce… 1 slice of bread?
More than 10 gallons 1 cotton T-shirt? More than 713 gallons 1 gallon of milk? 1000 gallons 634 gallons   1 hamburger?

15 Water Shortages In some areas of the world, people face serious water shortages because groundwater is used faster than it is naturally replenished. In other areas groundwater is polluted by human activities.

16 No Access to safe drinking water
Did you know…American residents use about 100 gallons of water per day per person. Residents of sub-Saharan Africa use only 2-5 gallons of water per day

17 Clean Water

18 Water Diseases

19 The future of water?!? Why should you care?

20 Generally. . .You can survive
3 minutes without oxygen 3 days without water 3 weeks without food Unless you are Superman!

21 You are 70 % water

22 Bottled Water – Friend or Foe?
If you drink your daily recommended 8 glasses of water per day from the tap, it will cost you about 50 cents per year. If you choose to drink it from water bottles, it will cost you about $1,400 dollars. More than 25% of bottled wate comes from a municipal water supply, the same place that tap water comes from.


24 Quiz Vocabulary Water Cycle Condensation Precipitation Transpiration
Evaporation Runoff Uptake Infiltration Aquifer Water Table Ground Water Percolation Porosity Permeability

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