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Relations Serbia and Austria-Hungary Assassination and Outbreak of War

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1 Relations Serbia and Austria-Hungary Assassination and Outbreak of War

2 In which crisis did Kaiser Wilhelm enter Morocco on a white horse?
What was the outcome of the Algeciras Conference for Germany? In which crisis did France gain joint control of the Moroccan police with the Spanish? Where did Austria-Hungary take over in the Bosnian crisis? What was the name of the gunboat sent to Morocco in the 2nd Moroccan Crisis? In which crisis did France take full control of Morocco? Which countries backed down to Germany in the Bosnian Crisis? How did Britain show it was willing to fight Germany in the second Moroccan Crisis? Which country had been in control of the Balkans for centuries? In which crises was the Entente Cordial challenged?

3 In which crisis did Kaiser Wilhelm enter Morocco on a white horse
In which crisis did Kaiser Wilhelm enter Morocco on a white horse? 1st Moroccan Crisis What was the outcome of the Algeciras Conference for Germany? Humiliation In which crisis did France gain joint control of the Moroccan police with the Spanish? 1st Moroccan Crisis Where did Austria-Hungary take over in the Bosnian crisis? Bosnia and Herzegovina What was the name of the gunboat sent to Morocco in the 2nd Moroccan Crisis? The Panther In which crisis did France take full control of Morocco? 2nd Which countries backed down to Germany in the Bosnian Crisis? Russia and Serbia How did Britain show it was willing to fight Germany in the second Moroccan Crisis? Sent boats Which country had been in control of the Balkans for centuries? Turkey (Ottoman Empire) In which crises was the Entente Cordial challenged? Both Moroccan Crisis

4 https://www. awesomestories

5 Slav Nationalism The assassination looked like a local issue just involving Austria-Hungary and Serbia, but: Austria having taken over Bosnia in 1908 now felt confident and that it had Germany’s backing. Some historians argue Austria –Hungary had become dangerously confident in this area, why do you think they may argue this? It is said that Germany had given Austria-Hungary a ‘blank cheque’ explain what this means Russia having been forced to back down in 1909 had concentrated on building its army Serbia emerged from the local wars of 1912 and 1913 as a powerful nation and was a close ally of Russia

6 Slav Nationalism Russia and Serbia were both mainly Slav in nationality and a movement called pan-Slavism was strong in Russia calling on the Tsar to support fellow Slav nations. Austria saw Slav culture as inferior to its own. Austria-Hungary was made up of many different ethnic groups, languages and cultures but was confident it could stay intact and remain in control in central and south-eastern Europe. Austria-Hungary saw the assassination as a justification to crush Serbia and was sure of German support whilst Serbia did not want war.

7 The July Crisis 23rd July 1914 Austria- Hungary sends a 10 point ultimatum to Serbia Serbia accepts 9 of these points but won’t accept A-H control over Serbia’s justice system. Serbia offers to refer the point to the International Court at The Hague. 28th July: With the promise of German support Austria declares war on Serbia 30th July Russia mobilises its army 1st August Germany declares war on Russia

8 Thinking Qs At this point who seems most responsible for starting hostilities? Why does the July crisis make the alliances suddenly very important?

9 The Schlieffen Plan and Belgium
Look at pages of the book Why was the Schlieffen Plan created? Why attack France through Belgium and Holland?

10 Britain’s Position Britain had no intention of joining the War in support of Russia Britain feared a change in the balance of power in Western Europe with either Germany or France becoming too strong Holland and Belgium were important to Britain for security (opposite the English coast) and trade reasons. In 1839 The Treaty of London secured Belgium neutrality and Britain was determined to stand by this. When Germany invaded Belgium 3rd August Britain gave Germany an ultimatum that they would declare war in Germany did not withdraw by the midnight 4th August. 6th August Austria declared war on Russia.

11 Focus Task p211 Complete the Focus Task on P211

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