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Please practice the center box every night! Pick 4 more for the week.

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Presentation on theme: "Please practice the center box every night! Pick 4 more for the week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please practice the center box every night! Pick 4 more for the week.
Kindergarten 10/13/2017 Practice comparing groups. Draw a picture in your notebook. Write the letters Aa five times and say the sound it makes each time. Draw and label 3 things that start with the letter A or have the /a/ sound in the middle. Read a decodable EVERY NIGHT and practice fluency pages EVERY NIGHT Draw two flowers from our story, Flowers, and tell how they are alike/different Rainbow write your first and last name 5 times in your notebook. Spell your new sight words verbally and write them in your notebook 5 times each. have, is Play a math game on Practice your letters and sounds using your flashcards. Please practice the center box every night! Pick 4 more for the week.

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