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UNITAB October 2016.

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1 UNITAB October 2016

2 Índice Página La Mesa del Tabaco 4 Key Strategic Principle 5 Members 6
How does it work - A gentlemen's agreement 8 One voice, one argument - Advocating towards key stakeholders 10 Key messages: Arguments & enablers 12 One voice, one argument - Credibility & results 14 Current and future working areas 17

3 Mesa del Tabaco 1

La Mesa del Tabaco: “PART OF THE SOLUTION… NOT YET THE RESOLUTION” The size of the challenge generated by the new TPD review requested a similar response in magnitude. Within this playground the Spanish Tobacco Round-Table (“La Mesa del Tabaco”) was officially created as a working group with the aim to advocate about the sector concerns with regards the forthcoming revision of the TPD while re-instating awareness on the substantial role that Tobacco Sector was playing within the Spanish economy. La Mesa del Tabaco has been a successful initiative to gather the entire Tobacco sector, for the first time ever “from the seed to the ashtray”.

5 2 “One voice, one message” “United we are stronger” Key Strategic
Principle 2 “One voice, one message” “United we are stronger”

6 Members 3

7 MEMBERS La Mesa del Tabaco:
A pioneer initiative that gathers all the tobacco value chain: from growers to retailers. MEMBERS

8 How does It Work? 4

9 La Mesa del Tabaco: How does it work… a gentlemen's agreement
Four RULES Gain greater impact on the authorities and media A united sector One spokesperson One proposal Allow for Sovereignty cession Minimize individual advocacy or engagement La Mesa del Tabaco works only with agreed messages. Commitment One aim: Mutual vs. individual interests: The goal is to ensure the sustainability of the tobacco sector in Spain. One argument (advocacy engagement and media): La Mesa works with agreed materials and Q&A’s. One voice: One spokesperson – The NMA’s GM. Cross-functional representation in all meetings: The spokesperson has the support of representatives of other areas within the Mesa when needed (Agriculture, Retail, etc.) to cool down the “Big Tobacco” perception while “normalizing” the discussions.

10 One voice, One Argument 5

11 With Institutions and Authorities
La Mesa del Tabaco: One voice, one argument… advocating towards key stakeholders With Institutions and Authorities In Spain / Canary Islands National Government and Parliament Regional Governments and Parliaments In Europe (Spanish representation at EU) European Commissioner for Competence MEPs Ambassador and REPER Attachés Senior officials and/or other institutions representatives And also through our Partners NTC (Commissioner for Tobacco Market) CEOE (Employers’ Federation) Trade Unions (UGT y CCOO) Andema (Defense of the Trademarks Association) Governments of Autonomous Regions (i.e. Extremadura – leaf growing region)

12 Key messages: Arguments & Enablers 6

13 La Mesa del Tabaco:

14 Credibility & Results 7

15 Main Achievements One voice, one argument… credibility & results
La Mesa del Tabaco: One voice, one argument… credibility & results Main Achievements Parliamentary Support - Several Non Legislative Motions in defense of Tobacco National Parliament (signed by 90% of the members). 5 Regional Parliaments (Extremadura, Canary Islands, Navarra, La Rioja & Cantabria) Spanish Institutions implication in EU institutions: Extremadura’s President appointed as the Rapporteur for CoR opinion on TPD II Spanish Federation of Employers (CEOE) as the Rapporteur for EESC opinion on TPD II Creation of an Interministerial Committee lead by the Secretary of State for EU to establish Spain’s position vis-à-vis TPD II. (MoH influence dilution) Institutional declaration of 5 Regional Presidents in defense of the Tobacco Sector requesting a similar position from the National Government. TPD transposition draft: mainly literal Detailed Opinion from the Spanish Government against Ireland, UK & France and Hungary proposals for Plain Packaging

16 Communication Main Achievements
La Mesa del Tabaco: One voice, one argument… credibility & results Communication Main Achievements Quantitative: Massive presence in the mainstream media: TVs, written press, radio, online media: 36+ face to face with key journalists and opinion leaders. 32+ interviews in print, radio and national and regional TVs Over 150 articles and media appearances. Qualitative Neutrality of social media in the debate La Mesa as spokesman of the Tobacco Sector Changing Perception: from the tobacco and its harmful effects to the tobacco sector as generator of jobs, revenue and wealth for the Spanish economy Bringing the sector closer to the public opinion - personalizing and humanizing Establishing the area of discussion in Media: Jobs & Tax revenues

17 Current & Future Working Areas 8

La Mesa del Tabaco: “CURRENT AND FUTURE WORKING AREAS” Transposition of the TPDII into the national legislation. CoP 7: Spanish position on the Directive. Hyper-regulation: Plain packaging proposals from other Member States. T&T advocacy.

19 Contact Tel

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