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Shaping a new model of inclusive education

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping a new model of inclusive education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping a new model of inclusive education
OUR VOICES, OUR FUTURE Shaping a new model of inclusive education Sarah -Monica Adela


3 Welcome and Thank You for Attending
Commission on Inclusive Education Dr. Sarah Shea, Chair Monica Williams Adela Njie

4 Work of the Commission to Date

5 We are Committed to: The best interest of every student Evidence-based practice Solutions that are practical and workable in schools across the province Building on the strengths of our communities & schools Adela


7 Inclusion in Nova Scotia: We Have Come a Long Way Already
EXCLUSION For many years, students with special needs were excluded from public education. SEGREGATION Then, segregated schools and classes were introduced. INCLUSION Now, inclusion is the norm, but the current version is not working for everyone. Monica

8 The Path to Change Sarah

9 Purpose of Public Engagement
Our Commission cannot do its work without you. We need: YOUR STORIES YOUR IDEAS YOUR EXPERIENCES Sarah

10 Public Engagement Options
Share Your Story (video & written): Nov. 7 – Dec. 15 Call for Submissions: Nov. 7 – Dec. 15 Survey (online): Nov. 21 – Dec. 15 Public Workshops Nov. 21- Nov. 30 Sarah

11 Workshop Dates Sera

12 Purposes of the Public Workshops
Meet with Nova Scotians across the province Listen to people’s lived experiences of inclusive education Hear about new ideas and innovations for moving forward Learn about Nova Scotians’ priorities in inclusive education Sera

13 Workshop Agenda 6:30 Arrival, welcome & framing 6:40
Update on the work of the Commission 6:50 Group discussions: Understanding current experiences 7:35 Share key themes 7:45 Roundtables: Priorities for action 8:45 Closing thoughts Sera 6:30 Arrival, Welcome and Framing Update on the work of the Commission (slides 1-19) 6:50 Group Discussions: Understanding Current Experiences (slide 20) 6:50 - Framing 7:00 - Table Conversations 7:20 - Hearing from the room 7:35 Roundtables: Priorities for Action  7:35- Framing (Slides 21-30) 7:40- Q&A 7:55- Roundtables (Slides 31-32) 8:35 - Hearing from the room 8:45  Setting Priorities & Closing Thoughts

14 What We Have Learned So Far
Nova Scotians strongly support the principle of inclusive education, but it isn’t always working We need to create a new vision & policy for inclusive education Adela Gaps between changing student needs and current model of inclusive education (programs; settings) Widespread support for the principle of inclusive education but implementation not working Need to redefine and redesign inclusive education

15 It is Important That We Get This Right
Many students have identified needs for support: 6% of students on individualized program plans (IPP) Roughly 1 in every 4 students needs adaptations Student needs are often multiple & complex Adela

16 There Are No Easy Answers
Human rights Geography Multiple agencies Diversity of students & communities. Economic demands Availability of personnel Adela

17 Who is in the room tonight?
Introductions Who is in the room tonight? SERA Education Parent Student In the System Community Organization Elected

18 Guidelines for Public Workshops
Inclusive: Everyone feels welcome and has the opportunity to engage fully with civility, trust & openness. Everyone’s viewpoints – including on controversial issues in inclusive education -are shared & received respectfully Productive: Everyone is focusing on the best path forward Sera

19 Table Conversations Speak from experience Listen to learn Capture themes Don’t be helpful 1/n – Make space for everyone’s voice SERA

20 Table Conversations Share your experiences:
What is working well with inclusive education? What is not working well with inclusive education? SERA

21 Table Conversations 5 minutes SERA

22 Five Themes 1. Strong home & school partnerships
2. A continuum of programs, services & settings 3. Practical, specialized teacher education 4. Student-focused interagency collaboration 5. Adequate funding & resources Monica – overview ADD DETAIL Sarah - Strong School and Home Adela – Continuum Services, P Monica - Practical, specialized teacher education Sarah – Student-focused interagency collaborat

23 Strong Home & School Partnerships
Welcoming, respectful, accessible, informative Engaging parents & students with the educational team including school leaders Shared advocacy Three-way information sharing: students, parents, educators Clear & informative progress reports

24 A Continuum of Programs, Services & Settings
For academic, cognitive, social & emotional learning Classroom-based supports Specialized programs and services Varied instructional settings

25 Practical, Specialized Teacher Education
Practical hands on learning on: Delivery of inclusive education Early & ongoing professional development in topics in inclusive education such as: Behaviour intervention, Autism spectrum disorder, identification & support of math & literacy challenges

26 Student-Focused Interagency Collaboration
Clear roles & responsibilities Improved access to services across the province Time for teachers & other professionals to work together Key times: transitions Supports provided at school & in classroom

27 Adequate Funding and Resources
Professionals, specialized programs, equipment Providing proven successful programs Equitable Rural & urban Accountability, transparency


29 Which changes are needed?
1. Strong home & school partnerships 2. A continuum of programs, services & settings 3. Practical, specialized teacher education 4. Student-focused interagency collaboration 5. Adequate funding & resources Monica – overview ADD DETAIL Sarah - Strong School and Home Adela – Continuum Services, P Monica - Practical, specialized teacher education Sarah – Student-focused interagency collaborat

30 Table Conversations 5 minutes SERA

31 Which changes are needed?
1. Strong home & school partnerships 2. A continuum of programs, services & settings 3. Practical, specialized teacher education 4. Student-focused interagency collaboration 5. Adequate funding & resources Monica – overview ADD DETAIL Sarah - Strong School and Home Adela – Continuum Services, P Monica - Practical, specialized teacher education Sarah – Student-focused interagency collaborat


33 The Path to Change Sarah

34 Keep the Conversation Going
Encourage others to participate in public consultations Provide your input through online channels Visit our website: Help us spread the word Sarah

35 The Work Won’t Stop with the Commission
Please stay involved – Your voices matter! #OurVoicesNS DELETE

36 Thank You! Thank You! SARAH

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