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Integrated Planning Fall 2017
BSI-Equity-SSSP Integrated Planning Fall 2017
BSI Goals and Outcomes
BSI Goal A: Success for developmental education at COA will increase and be evident due to: Completed Metric of success Evidence of success developmental education becoming a clearly stated institutional priority with a dedicated mission statement. Professional Development opportunities for faculty COA developmental education program will be adequately funded and Funded Learning Communities Coordinator staffed with dedicated developmental education faculty, and Dedicated Learning Communities Counselor managed by a dedicated lead faculty or staff member. Increased Student Success Scorecard data for remedial Math and English
BSI Goal B: To ensure the on-going success of developmental education, components of our program will include: Completed Metric of success Evidence of success assessment, placement, comprehensive orientation, and mentoring. Implementation of MMAP and assessment test writing sample Student Services and the Office of Instruction, faculty (counselors and instructors) will continue to have a seamless union. Learning Communities Counselor and Coordinator Sufficient support services will promote student advancement. Implementation of Online Tutorial Service Increased tutors for math, English, and ESL disciplines Increased digital library resources available to student 24/7
BSI Goal C: Completed Metric of success Evidence of success
COA will continue to develop integrated, effective curricula and practices embedded with sound principles of learning. BSSOT curriculum efforts CAP acceleration efforts Learning Communities COA will provide a campus environment that encourages success. CCSSE 2017 (survey) Our support will include a practice of: monitoring students’ progress a comprehensive academic support center, and most importantly, a program that addresses the holistic development of the student.
Basic Skills Placements & Success
COA “home campus” placements taken at other campuses
Math : 14% Math : 18% English : 17% English : 17%
Math Placements: first-time students
Total MATH201 131 107 MATH202 4 13 MATH203 105 86 MATH206 1 21 MATH250 81 66 MATH253 58 53
Math Basic Skills – through put Spring 2015-Spring 2017
Three Levels Below Transfer Two Levels Below Transfer One Level Below Transfer Transferable College Name Basic Skills Subject Students Attempts Success Alameda Mathematics 111 121 63 51 58 28 32 35 25 10 11 7
English Placements: first-time students
Total ENGL201A 104 110 ENGL201B 21 19 ENGL269A 95 78 ENGL269B 6
English Basic Skills – through put Spring 2015-Spring 2017
Four Levels Below Transfer Three Levels Below Transfer One Level Below Transfer Transferable College Name Basic Skills Subject Students Attempts Success Alameda English - Writing 63 69 28 10 12 7 19 6 2 5 1
Equity Plan: Goals and Outcomes
Equity Plan: Access Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Decrease under-representation Males, Veterans, Students with Disabilities, Foster Youth Targeted Pre-Enrollment Equity Strategies Open Gate for Ex-Offenders and Foster Youth Brotherhood Program for Men of Color IntelliResponse:24/7/365 Online Responsiveness Student Accessibility Manager (MIS System) DSPS Center Renovation Open COA Veterans Resource Center 1. 2. 3. PASS Proposal Year-end Report 4. N/A: Did not implement 5. 6. 7. Grand Opening 11/2015
Equity Plan: Course Completion Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Improve Course Completion Outcomes African Americans, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Low Income, Foster Youth Brotherhood Tutoring Equity Service Integration with Existing Categorical Programs Leverage CAFYES to Increase Services to Foster Youth 1. PASS proposal year-end report 2. 3.
Equity Plan: Basic Skills English Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Strengthen Capacity to Advance Students Past Gatekeeper Courses American Indians – Alaskan Natives, African Americans, Students with Disabilities Restructure Learning Communities. Add individual coordination for each Learning Community v one coordinator for all Learning Committees Replicate “Math Jam” to improve preparation for math Placement and improve course success in Math Participate in the Multiple Measures Pilot project with Peralta Colleges and statewide initiative Provide Professional Development – (5 faculty : 2 students) National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, Advancing Success for college Men of Color, Museum of Tolerance, AB-540, DACA 1. 2. 3. In process (pilot Spring 2016 start. Full implementation as of Fall 2016) 4.
Remedial English Cohort Size Cohort Rate All 513 30.2% 533 31.0% 493 25.6% 658 25.8% 666 32.1% Female 279 33.7% 278 29.5% 227 27.3% 326 26.4% 332 Male 234 26.1% 255 32.5% 237 23.2% 298 25.5% 290 35.5% < 20 years old 293 36.2% 302 36.8% 261 26.8% 322 35.7% 329 41.0% 20 to 24 years old 119 23.5% 101 19.8% 126 25.4% 177 13.6% 201 25 to 39 years old 65 27.7% 90 33.3% 75 24.0% 105 19.0% 93 20.4% 40+ years old 36 8.3% 40 10.0% 31 19.4% 54 43 20.9% African American 151 16.6% 199 19.6% 179 15.6% 193 11.9% 257 20.2% American Indian/Alaska Native Suppressed 0.0% Asian 183 49.2% 148 48.6% 112 43.8% 102 42.2% 131 59.5% Filipino 12.9% 25 36.0% 32 25.0% 10 40.0% 29 37.9% Hispanic 69 21.7% 62 27.4% 58 15.5% 59 23.7% 124 30.6% Pacific Islander 42.9% 22.2% N/A White 41 29.3% 45 20.0% 42 26.2% 12.5% 46.9%
Six-year cohort ending in 2016-17
Six-year cohort ending in 2015-16
Six-year cohort ending in 2016-2017
Equity Plan: Basic Skills Math Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Strengthen Capacity to Advance Students Past Gatekeeper Courses African Americans, American Indians – Alaskan Natives, Pacific Islanders, Foster Youth Restructure Learning Communities. Add individual coordination for each Learning Community v one coordinator for all Learning Committees Replicate “Math Jam” to improve preparation for math Placement and improve course success in Math Participate in the Multiple Measures Pilot project with Peralta Colleges and statewide initiative Provide Professional Development – (5 faculty : 2 students) National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, Advancing Success for college Men of Color, Museum of Tolerance, AB-540, DACA 1. 2. In process (first cohort 1/2017) 3. In process (pilot Spring 2016 start. Full implementation as of Fall 2016) 4.
Equity Plan: Basic Skills ESL Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Strengthen Capacity to Advance Students Past Gatekeeper Courses Hispanics Restructure Learning Communities. Add individual coordination for each Learning Community v one coordinator for all Learning Committees Replicate “Math Jam” to improve preparation for math Placement and improve course success in Math Participate in the Multiple Measures Pilot project with Peralta Colleges and statewide initiative Provide Professional Development – (5 faculty : 2 students) National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, Advancing Success for college Men of Color, Museum of Tolerance, AB-540, DACA 1. 2. 3. 4.
Equity Plan: Degree and Certificate Completion Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Increase credential attainment Foster Youth, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Males Use an information Literacy Framework to embed a librarian in gatekeeper courses to improved students’ information competencies. Implement equity focused coordination & support for the Alameda Transportation & Logistics Academic Support Cert. Program (leverage WIA One Stop on campus) Career Development: InterviewStream (online Interview prep) 1. Offered program FY and FY 2. 3. Purchased service
Foster Youth Degree & Certificate Attainment
Degree & Certificate Attainment
Latino Degree & Certificate Attainment
Pacific Islander Degree & Certificate Attainment
African American Degree & Certificate Attainment
Degree & Certificate Attainment
Males Degree & Certificate Attainment
Equity Plan: Transfer Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Improve Transfer rates African Americans, Hispanics, Filipinos, Students with Disabilities Diversify STEM Pathways – MESA Equity Transfer Academy Grow Early college (ASTI at COA ranked the #8 High School in CA) Pathways to Law School Tour of Historically Black Colleges and Universities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student tours offered in 2015 and 2016
ASTI SPX enrollment in COA over time
ASTI Course taking 49% of ASTI enrollments in Peralta College courses were at COA 41% were at Laney, with small numbers (6%) at Merritt and (5%) at BCC 40% of Laney enrollments are Math lecture courses - primarily in Math (3A and 3B). 15% of Laney enrollment is in Chem - most of which is for Chem 30A. 11% is in Music 15B but that's all online!, English (1A and 1B) and Biology (all) - see chart Merritt enrollments were primarily in CIS 205 (all online) and English (1A and 1B, 5) - 84% if enrollments at Merritt were DE BCC enrollments were primarily in English, and then a random distribution of other courses - 93% of these enrollments were DE 37% of all enrollments were in Distance Ed Courses. 56% of DE enrollment were with COA; 19% with Laney; 13% with Merritt and 12% with BCC Only 17% of Laney enrollments were in DE courses, suggesting that ASTI students are GOING to Laney, except for Music 15B which they took online
Equity Plan: College-wide Goal
Goals Student Groups Activities Evidence of success Create a culture of inquiry and inclusive excellence All students College of Alameda Promise 18% of a College Based Researcher Equity Liaison to Campus life & Student Activities Bookstore Renovation (eliminate clerk service) Advocate System Financial Capability Center Collateral Materials, Supplies PCCD Equity Coordination C-YES PCCD Umoja 1. Launch Promise Program in 2017; XX Student in Fall 2017 2. Hired 3. Hired 4. Remodel completed 2016 5. N/A Did not Implement 6. 7. 8. 9.
SSSP Goals and Outcomes
Fall 2014 – Spring 2017 Source: SARS
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Student Ed. Planning (SEPs)
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Orientation
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
SSSP Goal: Improve Assessment for Placement
High School Multiple Measures (HSMMCOA)
Note: Summer 2016 data (36) added to Fall 2016)
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Counseling & Advising
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
SSSP Goal: Improve Follow-up for At-Risk Students
Source: SARS. Counts of students (distinct) as a percentage of all students served
ENGLISH Student Placement Phone Survey Results
MMAP/CAP Evaluation - ENGLISH Placement Fall 2017 September 12th 2017, 4:04 pm MDT
English placement survey response rate
Fall 2017, survey questions texted to 267 first-time students enrolled in : ENGL 201, 269, 1A 88 students responded Response rate: 31%
Q1 - Hello! Your College of Alameda instructors would like to ask you 2-3 quick questions about your English class this semester. Would you say your English class is:
Q1 - Hello! Your College of Alameda instructors would like to ask you 2-3 quick questions about your English class this semester. Would you say your English class is: # Answer % Count 1 Just the right level of difficulty 71.59% 63 2 A bit too difficult given my level of preparation 6.82% 6 3 A bit too easy 14.77% 13 4 Much too difficult given my level of preparation 4.55% 5 Much too easy 2.27% Total 100% 88
Q2 - How were you placed in your English class?
Q2 - How were you placed in your English class?
# Answer % Count 1 A counselor reviewed my high school grades (transcript) 35.71% 30 2 I took an assessment test 41.67% 35 3 I took an assessment test AND a counselor reviewed my high school grades (transcript) 19.05% 16 4 I don't know 3.57% Total 100% 84
Q3 - When you took the English assessment test, would you say the Writing Sample portion of the test was:
Q3 - When you took the English assessment test, would you say the Writing Sample portion of the test was: # Answer % Count 1 Just right - it allowed me to show my current writing ability 62.50% 30 2 A bit too difficult - it did not allow me to accurately show how well I write 20.83% 10 3 A bit too easy 12.50% 6 4 Much too difficult 4.17% 5 Much too easy 0.00% Total 100% 48
MATH student placement phone survey results
MMAP/CAP Evaluation - MATH Placement Fall 2017 September 12th 2017, 4:05 pm MDT
Math placement survey response rate
Fall 2017, survey questions texted to 298 first-time students enrolled in math 250, 253, 201, 206, 203, 202, 13, 50, 1, 213. 101 responded Response rate: 34%
Q1 - Hello! Your College of Alameda instructors would like to ask you 2 quick questions about your MATH class this semester. Would you say your class is:
Q1 - Hello! Your College of Alameda instructors would like to ask you 2 quick questions about your MATH class this semester. Would you say your class is: # Answer % Count 1 Just the right level of difficulty 55.45% 56 2 A bit too difficult given my level of preparation 16.83% 17 3 A bit too easy 18.81% 19 4 Much too difficult given my level of preparation 0.00% 5 Much too easy 8.91% 9 Total 100% 101
Q2 - How were you placed into your MATH class?
Q2 - How were you placed into your MATH class?
# Answer % Count 1 A counselor reviewed my high school grades (transcript) 35.63% 31 2 I took an assessment test 36.78% 32 3 I took an assessment test AND a counselor reviewed my high school grades (transcript) 17.24% 15 4 I don't know 10.34% 9 Total 100% 87
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