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Prepared & presented by- Kairvi Vasa and Aayushi Satikuver

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1 Prepared & presented by- Kairvi Vasa and Aayushi Satikuver
FATS Prepared & presented by- Kairvi Vasa and Aayushi Satikuver

2 What is fats ???

3 What is fats?? Fat is a nutrient which is crucial for normal body function and without it we could not live. Not only does fat supply us with energy, it also makes it possible for other nutrients to do their jobs

4 Functions Fat is the most instant source of energy (9 calories/gram)
Satiety (excessive amt. of something) value(you feel less hungry as fats take time to leave your stomach which does not persuade you to eat for a long time) Carrier of fat soluble vitamins (such as-K,E,AD) Flavor, aroma, taste

5 Contd. Stimulates flow of digestive juices
Source of essential vital fatty acids(helps skin to stay young and healthy) Insulator(nerves-neurons-stimulus- mylein sheath) Body regulator- each cell has fats, which regulates metabolism and excretion of the cell Protection of vital body organs-keeps in position and acts as cushion

6 Types of fats

7 Good cholesterol Bad cholesterol Unsaturated Saturated trans

8 Sources of Fats 1Hydrogenated oil- highest amt of saturated fats 2 dried coconut- when sweetened and used in candies and cakes 3 butter- 100ml contain 51gm of fats 4 animal fats-meat 5 dark chocolate-high in nutritive value 6 fish oil – they contain good fats, but saturated ones too 7 cheese- good source of protein and Ca, tasty 8 nuts and seed- vitamins and minerals, good for health in dry and unsalted 9 processed meat- sausages and Pate 10 whipped cream – topping to almost every dessert

9 Calories What is it? A calorie is a measurement, just like a teaspoon or an inch. Calories are the amount of energy released when your body breaks down (digests and absorbs) food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it can provide to your body. When you eat more calories than you need, your body stores the extra calories as body fat. Even a fat-free food can have a lot of calories. Excess calories in any form can be stored as body fat.

10 Let’s watch a video

11 Diseases caused by deficiency of fats
Poor vitamin absorption- A,D,E,K are not absorbed due to lack of fat, blood clotting, metabolism of cells and immunity decreases depression- serotonin named fluid helps calmness of brain which works efficiently by presence of fats, so if fats are absent… Colon, breast and prostate cancer can be caused by not eating health fats Imbalance of nutrients Low energy Overeating

12 Diseases caused by excess of fats
Heart disease-obesity-high blood pressure- high cholesterol Diabetes- overweight-high chances Osteoarthritis- causes pain in joints in hips n hands Cancer-kidney and endometrial Gall bladder disease Sleep apnoea – causes heart beat stop and start while sleeping and not a sound sleep Mental problems- isolation and loneliness

13 Effect of heat on fat Fats when cooked add on taste and flavor to the dish Nutritive value- if the temperature at which fats is cooked is high, the nutrients will be lost - if the temperature at which fats is cooked is low, the food will be raw There are diff. varieties of commonly used fats for cooking are butter, ghee and oil Food cooked in diff. source of fats tastes different This attracts people to consume more fats Egg yolk and oil(which are sources of fats), act as emulsifier in the preparation of mayonnaise along with lemon and vinegar


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