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Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015
Welcome, Introduction and Setting the Scene to the Alternative Delivery Model Challenge in Wales Croeso, Cyflwyniad a Gosod yr Olygfa ar gyfer Her Ffyrdd Amgen o Gynnig Gwasanaeth yng Nghymru Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015 Digwyddiad Ffyrdd Amgen o Gynnig Gwasanaethau Cymru Gyfan yn Sir y Fflint 6 Gorffennaf 2015

2 Current Practice in Wales / Arfer Presennol yng Nghymru
San Leonard, CE Social Firms Wales / Prif Weithredwr, Cwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru Chris Bolton, Wales Audit Office / Chris Bolton, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

3 Alternative Service Delivery Models Gwasanaethau
Monday 6 July 2015 Dydd Ilun 6 Gorffennaf 2015 Chris Bolton Wales Audit Office Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

4 Supporting Improvement / Cefnogi Gwelliant
Wales Audit Office Good Practice Exchange Supporting Improvement Across Services Digital activity Good Practice Exchange Web Pages Good Practice Wales Face to Face - ‘Social Transfer’ Shared Learning Events eg: ‘Working With No To’ Alternative Delivery Models Trustees Communities of Practice

5 Providing Assurance / Rhoi Sicrwydd
Wales Audit Office - Value for the Tax Payer Audit of Grants Governance of Partnerships High Profile Cases Positive Learning Experiences Alternative Methods of ……… Governance & Stewardship Opportunity to Learn

6 Sharing information Rhannu gwybodaeth
Website Blog Vimeo Pinterest Storify

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