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Jackson Street Corridor

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1 Jackson Street Corridor
“Road Diets” Jackson Street Corridor Spring 2010 Fall 2010

2 Jackson Street corridor
Green bike boxes installed: Survey of drivers-- indifferent Survey of cyclists-- spend $ elsewhere

3 Modern Roundabouts

4 Roundabouts: Reduce speeds and are pedestrian friendly Reduce severity of accidents and number of injuries (>80%!) Reduce vehicle delays


6 This works only when police are present
Soft solutions-> Enforcement “If the police would just enforce the speed limit...” This works only when police are present

7 Speed feedback signs – “I like to see how high I can get the reading.”
200 ft in advance of sign = 2mph drop At the sign = no change in speeds

8 People quickly burned out--the speeders were often their neighbors!
Neighborhood Watch - People quickly burned out--the speeders were often their neighbors!

9 Speed Humps – “I beep my horn every time I go over one.”
The adjacent residents loved them. The community hated them.

10 East Street Drivers speed up between bumps to “make up time” Forces aggressive drivers toward the sidewalk.

11 Just put up a sign! Just post a lower speed limit!
Accident rates increase!

12 Geometric Solutions-- Street Reconfiguration
Use at least two of these three keys: Lane width Sight distance Introduce curves

13 Invites higher speed Invites lower speed  85th % speed = 39mph
Peak speed = 65mph North Ford Street 85th % speed = 28mph Peak speed = 40mph Invites lower speed 

14 Summary THANKS for visiting Golden!
The ‘soft solutions’ don’t work—they are bandaids for bad design. Alter road geometry—this reduces traffic speeds which greatly enhances liveability. THANKS for visiting Golden!

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