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Central Ideas… Learning the Details.

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1 Central Ideas… Learning the Details

2 I Believe I believe that I am loved and because I am loved, I love myself, respect myself, and do what is best for myself. I believe that I am important and because I am important, I invest in myself and invest in my future. I believe that I am intelligent and because I am intelligent, I do not give up when things seem hard and when I make mistakes. I believe that I am successful and because I am successful, I make the best choices which leads to success. I believe that I am confident and because I am confident I am not afraid to try and to keep trying. I believe that I am respectful and because I am respectful, my words and actions reflect this belief. I believe… and because I believe I am.

3 I can I can determine the central idea of Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I Woman” and analyze how it is developed, conveyed and elaborated by SOAPSTONE and citing textual evidence from the text to support my analysis. RI7.3 STOP AND JOT What skill are you learning today? How will we know that you have learned it? Why is this skill important for you to learn?

4 What is this text REALLY about?
The key ideas of the text topic or subject is called the central idea. Ideas include beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitude about a subject. Subject and topic are what the text is about; it’s the who or what is being discussed .

5 How can we determine the Central Idea?
Look of clues in the title to determine the topic or subject Ask yourself the following questions: What is big ideas were presented in the beginning of the text? (look at the subject/ topic) What types of details did the author use? (textual structure) What new information was presented later in the text? How did the new information help readers? What message (theme) should readers take away? Does the text use chronological order to explain a historical event? Does the text compare and contrast 2 items? Does the text describe a problem and explain ways to solve it?

6 Details: major and minor
explain the central idea. are more specific than the main idea. provide the examples, reasons, statistics and studies that help make the main idea clear and convincing. o answer readers’ questions about the main idea. Minor Detail explain a major detail. are even more specific than major details. repeat key points and add colorful detail. may or may not be important enough to include in reading notes.

7 Example Neighborhood watch programs are good for everyone. One reason for this is that neighborhood watches unite neighbors in a common goal. Neighbors work together to protect each other. One family’s security becomes everyone’s concern. Another reason is that neighborhood watches reduce crime in a couple of ways. Posted signs act as deterrents to criminals. Neighbors in these areas are more likely to report any suspicious persons or activities. And finally, watch programs keep neighbors alert. Because neighbors meet regularly, everyone is more aware of events, rules, or changes in the community.

8 Details… Main Idea: Neighborhood watch programs are good for everyone (in the following ways). Major: Neighborhood watches unite neighbors in a common goal. Minor: Neighbors work together to Protect each other. Minor: One family’s security becomes everyone’s concern. Major: Neighborhood watches reduce crime. Minor: Posted signs act as deterrents to criminals. Minor: Neighbors are more likely to report suspicious persons or activities. Major: Watch programs keep neighbors alert. Minor: Because neighbors meet regularly, they are more aware of events, rules, or changes in the community.


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